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To Hell With The Hustle, A 5-Day Devotional from Jefferson Bethke Exemple

To Hell With The Hustle, A 5-Day Devotional from Jefferson Bethke

Jour 5 sur 5

Day 5: 

There is a certain paradox in making changes and choices that don’t seem to have obvious benefits.

  • It’ll feel uncomfortable to resist technological advancements.
  • To rethink how we communicate.
  • To question the noise all around us.
  • To not hustle to get ahead, but rest to be human.

The more I root myself in a place, in a job, in mundane repetition of my life with love, the more I find joy springing up all over the place. Not to mention how the pressure subsides. Is there any bigger reason for our cultural anxiety than the pressure to have a booming career, our goals all written and achieved, an efficient life, a nice house, money, and meaning all by age nineteen?

And what’s my actual goal in life? What am I trying to do here?

Keep my head down. Love those in front of me and around me. Honor the process and the present. And be face to face with my Father when I die and hear, Well done my good and faithful servant.

Not Well accomplished, my busy and hustled servant.

Well done.


If we want to get there, we have to actively resist the myriad voices and influences that subtly hypnotize us into a busier, noisier, more hustled lifestyle.

Say, No, that’s not the way of Jesus.

That’s not the speed of Jesus.

That’s not the cadence of Jesus.

To hell with the hustle.

I’ll take Him instead.

We hope you enjoyed your 5-Day devotional, to learn more on resisting a hustle culture Click Here!

Jour 4

À propos de ce plan

To Hell With The Hustle, A 5-Day Devotional from Jefferson Bethke

This 5-Day devotional is your wake-up call to resist the Hustle culture and embrace the slowness of Jesus. In a society where hustle is the expectation, busyness is the norm and information is king, we have forgotten...


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