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Hollywood Prayer Network On The Pain Of GossipExemple

Hollywood Prayer Network On The Pain Of Gossip

Jour 6 sur 7


“Gossip needn’t be false to be evilthere’s a lot of truth that shouldn’t be passed around.” Frank A. Clark 

PRAY:  Oh Lord, help me to be wise. Make me a trusted person of integrity. Help me to hold my tongue and listen more than talk. I never want to be a gossip or to betray anyone's confidence. So help me to choose my words, not over-talk, and not lose control of my tongue. Give me self-discipline so that I always keep my eyes on You, regardless of the circumstances. Thank You for helping me, guiding me, and molding me in to the person whom You've created me to be. I need You desperately at every moment, Lord, and I know that's right where you want me. I pray this in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.
REFLECT:  There is a lot to unpack in these two verses of Proverbs. First of all, we learn that a gossip betrays a confidence. That's why we have to be so careful not to talk about people to others. As believers, we want to be people whom others can trust, turn to, and depend on. Those traits are rare commodities in the world, and one of our jobs is to "be there" for people. Then we're told to beware of people who talk too much. We need wisdom to understand that someone who likes to tell stories is different from someone who gives TMI—too much information. In this case, talking too much means talking about things and people they shouldn't be talking about, revealing too much information, and betraying confidences. It's always better to be silent than to talk about things that could hurt people. We can choose to act wisely just by holding our tongues. That's a start. But we still need the Holy Spirit to give us guidance on what to say, to whom to say it, and what to keep to ourselves. This is an important issue for Christians and one about which we should always ask ourselves. 
ACT:  Let's step out in faith and do something radical, just like Jesus. Choose a person close to you whom you may have gossiped to at some point. Did you tell them too much information, did you reveal some secret that you should have kept silent about? Whatever form of gossip you may be guilty of, now is the time to make amends. Would you meet with that person or call them on the phone and apologize for talking too much? It doesn't even have to be a serious offense. It might just be some slip of the tongue that you remember. Let them know that you're working on controlling your words and you want to start by apologizing for this one mistake. That is your first step in breaking any possible habit of gossip and remembering that it's easier not to say something than to have to go back later to apologize. You can become a new creature right now by taking this first step. It will make your heart feel so good!
Jour 5Jour 7

À propos de ce plan

Hollywood Prayer Network On The Pain Of Gossip

Gossip. It permeates every part of every society across the globe. Human beings love to talk about other people. But God is saddened by gossip. This week the focus is on the temptations to gossip, the dangers of gossip, and how to make our words wholesome and encouraging, building people up and leading people to Jesus. Find out how changing your words can change others’ lives!
