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Love LettersExemple

Love Letters

Jour 9 sur 10

Be Rest Assured

“I cause everything to work together for the good of those who love me and are called according to my purpose for them.” Romans 8:28

Be rest assured that the best is yet to come!
Taking rest and leaving our worries at the feet of Jesus allows us to go about our daily routine without entertaining anxiety. Afterall, God does not give us promises that He does not intend on keeping. Do we really believe that He is faithful to keep His Word? If we do, we will not let anxiety fill our hearts; we will take our rest in God. However, we must labour to come into our rest (Hebrews 4:11). This means there are things required of us to ‘work’ at before we can enter into this place of assurance. Consistent worship, praise, prayer… these are some of the things we can do to stir up our faith and remind ourselves of the promises that we should rest on.

The rewards of our labour are endless! Our heavenly Father acts on our behalf when we trust Him, because He is a faithful God! So whenever anxiety hits, it’s time to hit the prayer or praise position!

‘Let your rest in God’s promises be so real to you that you can hang your coat on it!’ This is what my mother would tell me whenever I had taken my eyes off God's promises. Are God’s promises as real to us as the air we breath? When we make God’s Word our daily bread, it becomes our reality.

We may not be in this place yet but we can ask God to help us become secure in His Word. The benefits of this rest are invaluable;

You have confidence that God has gone ahead of the situation

You focus on what God is doing in this season and enjoy it to the fullest!

PRAYER/CONFESSION: Heavenly father, I choose to rest in the promises in your Word. I ask you to fill me with confidence that you are faithful to keep your Word, and the grace to trust in your ways of doing things. Lord I do not want to rely on the physical realm- I know that you are working behind the scenes and bringing every Word concerning me to pass!

Jour 8Jour 10

À propos de ce plan

Love Letters

Whether you seek to build up your faith or you desire to be encouraged, this is for you.  Life can throw challenges your way that leave you questioning your purpose, and wondering how to get back on track. I have personally experienced the healing and restoring power of God through His love letters. I pray that as you go through these love letters, you receive strength for the journey ahead.
