Luke 20
The ill‐deedie gairdeners. “Whase wife is she?” Dauvid kent weel wha Christ was!
1And it cam aboot, on ane oʼ thae days, when he was giean lear to the folk iʼ the Temple, and tellin them the Gude‐tidins, the Heid‐priests, and the Writers, wiʼ their Elders, cam on him,
2And quoʼ they to him, “Tell us whatna authoritie ye hae for thir things ye do; and wha is he that gied ye this authoritie?”
3But he answerʼt them, “I too wull speir at you anent a thing; and tell me —
4“The Bapteezin oʼ John,#20:4 See Mark 11:28 — Note. was it frae Heeven or oʼ men?”
5But they coonsellʼt thegither by their sels, and said, “Gin we sal say ‘Frae Heeven,’ he wull answer, ‘Why believed‐ye‐na in him?’
6“And gin aiblins we soud say, ‘Frae men,’ the folk ane‐an‐aʼ wull stane us to deid; for they are aʼ perswadit that John was a Prophet.”
7And they answerʼt that they coudna tell whence he was.
8And Jesus said to them, “Nae mair div I tell you by whatna authoritie I do thir things I am doin.”
9And he begude to speak to the folk this parable: “Thar was a man wha plantit a vine‐yaird, and gied some gairdeners the tack oʼt, and syne gaed his ways frae hame for a lang time.
10“And at the season he sent to the gairdeners a servant, that they soud gie to him of the frute oʼ the vine‐yaird. But the gairdeners sent him awa wiʼ naething.
11“And eftir, he sent anither servant, but him too — clourin and ill‐treatin — they sent awa wiʼ naething.
12“And he persistit, and sent a third; but they, clourin this ane as weel, cuist him oot.
13“And the laird oʼ the vine‐yaird said, ‘What sal I do? I wull send my son, my beloved ane; aiblins they wull honor him.’
14“But whan they saw him, the gairdeners coonsellʼt ane wiʼ anither, sayin, ‘Here is the heir! lat us slay him, sae that the heritage may become oor ain!’
15“And, castin him oot oʼ the vine‐yaird, they slew him! And what, noo, sal the laird oʼ the vine‐yaird do to them?
16“He wull come, and mak an end oʼ thae gairdeners; and wull gie the vine‐yaird to ithers!” But whan they heard it, they cryʼt, “Lat it no sae be!”
17But he, lookin hard at them, said, “What, than, may this be that is putten‐doon — ‘The stane rejeckit oʼ the builders, the same is made to be the copin oʼ the corner!’
18“Ilka ane that faʼs on that stane sal be sair clourʼd; but on wham‐saeʼer it may faʼ, it will mak a clean end oʼ him!”
19And the Writers and Heid‐priests wad fain hae grippit him in that vera ʼoor; but they war fleyʼt oʼ the people; for they saw he had spoken this parable again them.
20And, watchin him uncolie, they sent oot fause men, wha soud pretend to be just, that they micht tak haud oʼ his speech, sae as to deliver him up to the pooer and authoritie oʼ the Governor.
21And they speirʼt at him, “Maister! we aʼ ken ye speak and teach richtly, and accept nae manʼs face, but teach the way oʼ God truly.
22“Isʼt richt for us to pay mail to Cesar, or no?”
23But, kennin their guile, he said to them,
24“Schaw me a siller penny! Whase heid and inscription has it?” And they answerin, said, “Cesarʼs.”
25And he said to them, “Weel, than! gie Cesar Cesarʼs things, and to God gie Godʼs things!”
26And they coudna lay haud oʼ ony sayin oʼ his to the people; sae they ferlied at his answer, and said nocht.
27And thar cam to him a wheen oʼ the Sadducees, wha say thar is nae Risin‐again; and they speirʼt at him, sayin,
28“Maister! Moses pat doon for us: Gin aiblins a manʼs brither soud dee, haein a wife, and he be bairnless, that his brither soud tak the wife, and raise up seed to his brither.
29“Noo, thar war seeven brithers; and the first, takin a wife, deeʼt bairnless.
30“And the second; and he deeʼt bairnless.
31“And the third had her; and, iʼ the same way the seeven — they left nae bairn, and deeʼt.
32“And eftir, the wumman too deeʼt.
33“And sae, iʼ the Risin‐again, whase wife oʼ them sal she be? For the seven had her a wife.”
34And Jesus said to them, “The bairns oʼ this warld mairry, and are gien in mairriage;
35“But they that are coontit wordie that warld to obteen, and the Risin‐again frae the deid, naither mairry nor are gien in mairriage.
36“Naither can they dee ony mair; for they are as the Angels; and are sons oʼ God, bein sons oʼ the Risin‐again.
37“But, that the deid are to be raisʼt, eʼen Moses schaws at#20:37 Here, as weel as at Mark 12:26, the reference isna to the bramble‐buss at Sinai itselʼ, but to the name they had for the paragraph iʼ the Buiks oʼ Moses — that oʼ “The Buss.” The Buss, whan he caʼs Jehovah, ‘The God oʼ Abraʼm, the God oʼ Isaac, and the God oʼ Jaucob.’
38“Noo, he isna the God oʼ deid men, but oʼ leevin; for to him are aʼ to leeve!”
39And some particular anes oʼ the Writers, answerʼt, and quoʼ they, “Maister! weel hae ye spoken!”
40For they daur‐na speir at him ony mair quaistens.
41But he said to them, “Hoo say they that the Messiah is Dauvidʼs son?
42“For Dauvid his sel says, iʼ the Buik oʼ the Psalms, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou on my richt haun,
43“ ‘Till sic time as I mak thy faes the fit‐brod oʼ thy feet!’
44“Dauvid, than, caʼs him ‘Lord’; and hoo is he than his son?”
45And (aʼ the folk hearin), he said to his disciples,
46“Haud awa frae the Writers, wha are fain to gang aboot in lang manteels, and loʼe compliments iʼ the merkits, and the boonmaist seats iʼ the kirks, and reserved places at feasts;
47“Wha devoor weedowsʼ hooses, and to blinʼ the een mak lang prayers: thir sal hae a greater male?-?diction!”
Sélection en cours:
Luke 20: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.