Luke 17
Britherliness and humility. Ane whase heart was made clean, as weelʼs his body! The Kingdom thatʼs comin.
1And he said to his disciples, “It maun eʼen be that snares come; but wae for him throwe wham they come!
2“Weel for him raither, gin a mill‐stane war roond his neck, and he cuisten intil the sea, than that he soud ensnare ane oʼ their weans!
3“But tak ye tent to yersels! gin aiblins yere brither sins, rebuke him; and gin he repents, forgie him!
4“And gin aiblins he sins again ye seeven times in a day, and seeven times turns to ye, sayin, ‘I repent!’ ye sal forgie him!”
5And the Apostles said to the Lord, “Gie us mair faith!”
6And the Lord said, “Gin ye had faith eʼen as a grain oʼ the mustard seed, ye wad say to this sycamore, ‘Be ye liftit, and be plantit iʼ the deep!’ and it soud obey ye.
7“But wha oʼ ye wad hae a servant pleughin or herdin sheep, and wull say to him as he comes in frae oot‐by, ‘Come awa, and dine!’
8“But wull he no raither say to him, ‘Mak ready, that I may dine; and gird yersel to wait on me till I eat and drink; and than sal ye eat and drink!’
9“Dis he gie thanks to the servant, for that he did the things commandit?
10“Eʼen sae, ye too, whan ye hae dune aʼ the things commandit ye, say, ‘Unprofitable servants are we aʼ, we hae but dune what it becam oor duty to do.’ ”
11And it cam aboot, that whan he was gaun on toward Jerusalem, he passed on throwe the mids oʼ Samaria and Galilee.
12And as he was enterin intil a particular village, ten leprous men met him; staunin far‐awa;
13And they cryʼt oot, sayin, “Jesus! Maister! hae pitie on #17:13 Tak tent, hoo they war unco ready to seek help; far mair thau to gie thanks whan the blessin cam! Gey like oorsels in that!us!”
14And, lookin on them, he said, to them, “Gang yere ways, and schaw yersels to the priests!” And it cam aboot, that, as they war gaun on, they war made clean.
15And ane oʼ them, whan he saw he was healed, cam back, wiʼ a lood voice giean glorie to God.
16And he cuist his sel doon at his feet, giean thanks to him; and he was a Samaria man.
17But Jesus answerin, said, “Warna aʼ the ten men made clean? but whaur are the nine?
18“Thar are na fund oʼ them returnin to gie glorie to God, save this fremʼd ane!”
19And he said to him, “Rise! and gang yere ways; yere faith has savʼd ye!”
20And, bein speirʼt at by the Pharisees as to whan Godʼs Kingdom was comin, he answerʼt them and said, “Godʼs Kingdom comes‐na wiʼ close observin;
21“Naither sal they say, ‘Tak tent here!’ or ‘Take tent thar!’ for see! the Kingdom oʼ God is eʼen amang ye.”
22But to his disciples he said, “The days wull come whan ye fain wad see ane oʼ the days oʼ the Son oʼ Man, and sanna see!
23“And to you they wull say, ‘Look ye thar! Look here!’ Gang ye na awa, nor pursue eftir them.
24“For like the fire‐flaucht, whilk shines oot oʼ the ae pairt under Heeven, to the ither pairt under Heeven, sae sal the Son oʼ Man be in his day!
25“But first maun he dree mony things, and be rejeckit oʼ this generation.
26“And eʼen as it cam aboot in Noahʼs days, sae sal it eʼen be iʼ the Son oʼ Manʼs days;
27“They war feastin, they war drinkin, they war marryin, they war gien in mairriage; till the day Noah gaed intil the ark, and the flude cam and destroyʼt aʼ.
28“And, siclike as it cam aboot in Lotʼs days; they war eatin, they war drinking, they war buyin, they war sellin; they war plantin, they war biggin;
29“But on the day Lot gaed oot frae Sodom, it rained fire and brunstane frae the lift, and destroyʼt aʼ.
30“Eʼen sae sal it be iʼ the day the Son oʼ Man is revealʼt.
31“Iʼ that day, he wha is on the hoose‐tap, and his plenishin iʼ the hoose — lat him no come doon to tak it awa; and he iʼ the field in siclike mainner — lat him no turn aboot to the things ahint him!
32“Mind ye Lotʼs wife!
33“Whasae is fain to save his life sal tine it; and whasae sal tine his life sal hain it!
34“I tell ye, on yon nicht, twa men sal be iʼ ae bed; ane sal be taen, and the tither sal be left.
35“Twa weemen sal be grindin thegither; ane sal be taen, and the tither left.
36“Twa men sal be iʼ the field; the ane sal be taen, and the tither left!”
37And they, answerin, say to him, “Whaur, Lord?” And he says to them, “Whaur the body is, the eagles wull gaither thegither!”
Sélection en cours:
Luke 17: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.