Joel 2
Joel ii. 13.
13Bisbisʻl gagaudšim gī nē aʻl gagwīlašimist, niʻl gī hilyaltqušim aʻl Mīnšim Šimoigiat laḵhage: aʻlwil āma gaudge, niʻl gī gwīḱ‐gaiumgaudge, laltquʻl wil ʻlintiḱtge, niʻl gī wīdeš ʻla āmagiatge, niʻl gī t šim gog̓anʻl hadaḵqu.
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Joel 2: NCG

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First published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in 1890 and 18797. Digitised for the Canadian Bible Society.