Lessons ~ The TransfigurationEsimerkki

Lessons ~ The Transfiguration

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 Experiences Must Lead to Obedience  

The disciples went through the awesome experience of the presence of God in the cloud. Then they heard the voice out of the cloud saying, “This is my beloved Son, hear Him”. 

The overwhelming experience was intended to lead them to obedience to Him out of an intimate relationship with the Master. This is the greatest challenge we see around us. People want breath-taking experiences. It is these experiences that are the subject of conversation. In media circles these are called ‘human life stories’. It seems as though no one wants to listen to the lessons that God is teaching us through these experiences. 

Here God spoke out of the cloud wanting the disciples to hear the words of Jesus. 

Paul talks of this when he writes to the Corinthians in chapter ten of the first book. The people of Israel had experienced the cloud—the presence of God—going with them throughout their journey across the desert (I Corinthians 10:1-5). They had the amazing experience of walking across the dry Red Sea and seeing the destruction of the Egyptian army. They witnessed how God led them under the leadership of Moses. They ate the food that God gave them and drank the water that God provided for them. It was not the food or the water that would satisfy their hunger or thirst but God was teaching them that He was their satisfaction and fulfillment (Deuteronomy 8:2-3). Yet, God was not pleased with most of them and they perished in the wilderness.

All these experiences that the Israelites had are not just stories that we read about but are measures through which God is speaking and cautioning us to hear Him and follow His ways (I Corinthians 10:11). 

Thought to ponder

Are you hearing the still, small voice of God speaking to you in the midst of the cacophony that surrounds you? 

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Lessons ~ The Transfiguration

A deeper study of how the Transfiguration transformed the three disciples and how those lessons are applicable to us even today. Join us on an 11-day journey on understanding how God wants to change us from the inside out even as He calls us to go and make disciples.
