Lessons ~ The TransfigurationEsimerkki

Lessons ~ The Transfiguration

PÄIVÄ 10 / 11

 The Author and Mediator of our Eternal Salvation  

The voice of God the Father came out of the cloud, “This is My beloved Son, hear Him”.

Why are these words from God so very significant? 

Man is in a desperate condition. When God created us, He created us with fullness of life. What did this fullness of life comprise? It consisted of a right relationship with God (we loved God by trusting Him and submitting to His will – He was our King and we were His subjects), a right relationship within ourselves (we were created in His image and we grew more and more into His image), a right relationship with others around us (we loved and served one another) and a right relationship with creation or the environment (we were executive stewards under God to have dominion, rule and have authority and responsibility over creation). 

When sin came in, we rejected (stopped trusting) and rebelled (chose our will over His will over us) against God. We became His enemies and were no more in the marriage covenant/love relationship with God. 

So, we moved from the realm of the good news to the desperate condition of the bad news. This is what we need to understand. Man, therefore, critically needs the good news of salvation that can restore him back to the marriage covenant/love relationship with God. 

God provided the solution for man’s predicament through His Son Jesus (John 3:16/ 3:35-36/ I John 5:11-12).

Jesus, as a beloved Son (when He knew that He would be separated from the Father because our sin would be placed on Him and the wrath of God would come on Him), cried out in anguish, "if it be possible to take this cup from Him." 

Yet, as a beloved Son, He was willing to obey the Father’s will. This was how Jesus became the Author and Mediator of our eternal salvation (Hebrews 5:5-9/ 12:24). 

Thought to ponder

Although God has provided the way for us to be restored to Him, we—the human race—stand in arrogance, shaking our fist at Him. 

Päivä 9Päivä 11

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Lessons ~ The Transfiguration

A deeper study of how the Transfiguration transformed the three disciples and how those lessons are applicable to us even today. Join us on an 11-day journey on understanding how God wants to change us from the inside out even as He calls us to go and make disciples.
