Lessons ~ The TransfigurationEsimerkki

Lessons ~ The Transfiguration

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 Witnessed by the Law and the Prophets  

The precious work of God’s great salvation for mankind was about to take place in history. The law and the prophets were witnesses to this transaction. 

The Jews were trying to work out their righteousness before God by keeping the law. God was revealing to them and the entire human race that man cannot achieve God’s righteous requirement by his effort. Righteousness can only be imputed to us by God’s grace through faith (Romans 3:21). We receive this righteousness when we come to Jesus in faith and in submission of our will to His (Romans 3:22). This was the only way man could be reconciled to the marriage covenant/love relationship with God (Romans 3:22-23)

The prophetic role was to prepare people for the Lord because mankind was rejecting and rebelling against God. The prophetic tradition was to bring people back to trusting and submitting to God. This was how the prophets were preparing people for the coming of the Saviour (Luke 1:17)

The Lord revealed His plan for man’s salvation to the prophets, through the insight of the Holy Spirit (I Peter 1:9-11). This revelation God gave not only to the prophets but also to us through God’s servants who faithfully interpreted the writing of the prophets to us. This revelation of God’s plan for man’s salvation was something that even the angels desired to look into (I Peter 1:12)

We therefore preach Christ crucified with boldness, for what we preach is not a figment of our own imagination but we stand strong on the shoulders of the law and prophets (I Corinthians 1:23-24).  

Thought to ponder

Are you ashamed to preach Christ crucified? 

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Lessons ~ The Transfiguration

A deeper study of how the Transfiguration transformed the three disciples and how those lessons are applicable to us even today. Join us on an 11-day journey on understanding how God wants to change us from the inside out even as He calls us to go and make disciples.
