Pitfalls To Avoid In Kingdom Living - Disciple Makers Series #8نمونه

Pitfalls To Avoid In Kingdom Living - Disciple Makers Series #8

روز 5 از 6

Jesus loves the rejected - the unclean


Thoughts on the passage

For the next 3 Chapters we are going to see two things:

1. Jesus helping people that other people reject. He loves all people

2. Jesus shows His followers how to reach these people.

A leper – no one would help him. He was unclean. He was diseased. He was an outcast of society.

Jesus touched the leper.

Jesus released His love by touching.

Do not be afraid to bless the broken in society. They need to know that God’s love is for them too.

Also, Jesus did something no one else can do: He released health. When we touch others, we transfer our sicknesses. When Jesus touches, He transfers health!


Time to Pray

Father, I thank you that I can come to You when I am sick (like I am today) and know that You release health and strength. It is so special. I receive. Father, I ask that You strengthen my heart to let others know that they can come to You when they are in exactly the same situation.

Also, give me a boldness to bless this way as well. Let me see the hurting people that I would otherwise not see and see them with Your eyes. In Jesus’ name Amen.

روز 4روز 6

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Pitfalls To Avoid In Kingdom Living - Disciple Makers Series #8

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is the 8th of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew.  The final kingdom teaching spells out the dangers and pitfalls that we must avoid.  We then start to see Kingdom living in action.
