You Were Made to Countنمونه
You were made to count.
And three prisons can keep you from remembering that fact. Watch the video to learn what those prisons are and how you can overcome them with God’s help.
Today’s invitation: Take a moment and think these thoughts: I am not what I do. I do not have to be tormented by my resume, my achievements, or my possessions. I don't have to try to make them look bigger than they are in your eyes or the eyes of anybody else. That's not me. I am not what I have. I cannot secure my life by accumulating enough money, a big enough home, or a better vehicle. Those things are not my identity. I am not what other people think of me. I am only who God says I am.
دربارۀ اين برنامۀ مطالعه
This two-week audio series by John Ortberg will help you learn to lead a life of Kingdom impact regardless of circumstance or situation. You were made for a purpose. You were made to make a difference in your world. Let's find out how together.