Following Jesus in the Gospel of Markنمونه

Following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

روز 18 از 31


Look Closely: Jesus and His disciples are making the long trip from the villages of Caesarea Philippi to Jerusalem, where Jesus is going to die. This trip may have covered 150 miles. This section is bookended with the healing of two blind men—one in 8:22-26, and one in 10:46-52 but in between, Jesus spends much time “on the way,” teaching His still-clueless followers what it means to be His disciple and trying to prepare them for His death.

-As you skim through this section, look for the things Jesus is teaching them about discipleship. What themes do you see repeated? Why did Jesus choose to focus on these things?

-What evidence do you see that His disciples still don’t understand His role as Son of God/Son of Man and Savior or their role as His followers?

-Can you spot any of these key themes?

-Son of God/ Son of Man- Who is Jesus?
-Cosmic Conflict- Is there more to life than what I can see?
-Discipleship & Failure- How do followers of Jesus mess up?
-Ordinary Heroes- What does faith look like?

Challenge: You’re more than halfway through this reading plan. Commit to pushing through to the end! On Day 1, you used this simple “Find Your Chair” tool to set you up for success- review and make any adjustments you need in order to finish strong:

WHEN- Choose a consistent time to work through this reading plan every day.
WHERE- Find your chair- a comfortable and easily accessible space.
WHAT- Determine what you will need- journal, pen, coffee, etc.
WHO- Is there someone you can invite to do this plan with you? Is there someone who will help hold you accountable for your reading?
ASK- What is God saying to me? What am I going to do about it?
روز 17روز 19

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Following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

In a world of hostility, corruption, and confusion, a regular guy named Mark wrote his gospel to boldly proclaim that Jesus is THE good news. Mark writes with urgency and purpose, giving you a front-row seat to the Story of Jesus. This plan will help you understand that Story through the teachings, miracles, discipleship, and life of Jesus so that you can follow Jesus as his disciple.
