Homecoming Fasting & Prayer Devotionalنمونه

Homecoming Fasting & Prayer Devotional

روز 20 از 21

Praying with the Spirit

Daily Thought:

The book of Romans provides us with incredible insight into the heart of God and how he interacts with his people. In Romans 8, Paul teaches that in the same way we are to intercede for others and pray prayers of supplication, the Holy Spirit is doing the same for us. Even in the direst of circumstances, the Holy Spirit is interceding for us, no matter how weak we may be. What’s more, the Holy Spirit can even provide insight as we pray—even for the things we do not know to pray!

Scripture Excerpt:

Romans 8:26, ESV
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

Prayer Point:

Today, spend some of your prayer time in silence. Listen for the Holy Spirit. Allow him to guide your prayers today. Pray prayers of both intercessions for others and supplication for yourself. During this time, give space for the Holy Spirit to pray over you. Don’t rush it; lean into the power of the Holy Spirit!
روز 19روز 21

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Homecoming Fasting & Prayer Devotional

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