The Uniqueness of Jesusنمونه

The Uniqueness of Jesus

روز 1 از 7


Friends, we’re in the run-up to yet another Christmas. Can you believe it? I don’t know about you, but for me, the year has truly raced by and now it’s almost over.

Christmas is one of those markers that so many people look forward to as a way to wrap up the year. For many, it is a time of fun and joy, a time of plenty, a time of eating good food, exchanging gifts, and having quality time with family.

But for many others it may not be like that. Instead, it may be a time of deep pain, loneliness, and sorrow. Perhaps there’s someone missing from your dining room table this year, or you feel anxious at the thought of spending time with family, or maybe there’s a heaviness at the thought of ending yet another year.

Whichever description feels closer to home this year, the true message of Christmas is found in the person of Jesus Christ.

This is what the Bible says:

Jesus is Immanuel. He is ‘God with us.'

The word Immanuel was used to describe Jesus hundreds of years before His birth, and it reflects both His identity and His title.

‘God with us’ assures us of God’s identity or nature – He is a relational God. He wants to be with us! In Jesus, we see that the eternal, unchanging, all-powerful God of the universe clothed Himself with humanity. He put on flesh and bones so that He could come close to us.

It also speaks of His title, meaning His role or His job. How amazing it is that God’s primary role is to be with us throughout our entire lives! In Jesus, God showed us that being with us is what He is committed to, what He is responsible for, and what He takes pride and joy in.

God came to earth in Jesus for the purpose of intimacy and connection with us. Although Jesus no longer physically lives with us, the Bible tells us that the Spirit now lives within us!

So, this Christmas, no matter your circumstance, God is with you. He will always be with you and He will stay with you till the very end.

He is Immanuel for the joyful, as well as the sorrowful. Immanuel for those with plenty and those in lack. Immanuel for those surrounded by family and for those who are alone. Immanuel for me and Immanuel for you.


What is it about Jesus, Immanuel, that comforts you?



I worship You for who You are - for being the God who put on flesh and bones to come close to me. You promised that You would dwell with us, and You kept Your promise. Thank You for going to great lengths to show us how much You love us.

In every situation, Lord, I choose to believe and to declare that You are with me. I pray that You would increase my awareness of Your presence today Jesus, for I want to know and to experience You this Christmas.

In Your mighty name, Amen.

روز 2

دربارۀ اين برنامۀ مطالعه

The Uniqueness of Jesus

Immanuel, Prince of Peace, The Humble Servant, Promised Messiah, Our Coming King – Jesus! Join us in this 7-day series as we explore the uniqueness of Jesus’s character as revealed through the Christmas narrative. Let us give Him glory and praise this Christmas!
