Exploring the Book of Acts: The Holy Spiritنمونه

Exploring the Book of Acts: The Holy Spirit

روز 6 از 6

Ministry Direction

Though there are some strong personalities in the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit is the central actor: filling believers, giving boldness in evangelism, revealing Jesus’ authority through signs and wonders, orchestrating evangelistic encounters, and opening hearts. Additionally, the Holy Spirit directs Jesus’ followers in God’s mission. To be baptized with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), is to be subject to the Spirit’s leadership. Hard-driving Paul discovers this reality during his second missionary journey when the Spirit continually frustrates his ministry plans. Through a dream he is blocked from expanding ministry in Asia Minor and is redirected to Macedonia. Paul’s submission to the Spirit’s direction leads to the planting of Europe’s first Christian congregation.

Read Acts 16:6-15 and then consider:

  1. Paul and his companions were kept by the Spirit from preaching the gospel in northwest Asia Minor (present day Turkey). Instead, they are directed to travel to Macedonia, a province in Europe. They journeyed 200 kilometers over sea and land, to the city of Philippi. What is significant about the Spirit’s redirection?
  2. Lydia is a God-fearing Gentile businesswoman from Thyatira, which is in Asia Minor. Yet God sent Paul to meet her in Philippi, which is in Europe. Why? What is revealed about the Spirit’s leadership in mission?
  3. Paul’s normal practice on his missionary journeys was to preach in a Jewish synagogue before moving on to sharing with the Gentiles. In Philippi, this practice is disrupted because there were not enough Jewish men to construct a synagogue. Instead, Paul finds a prayer meeting of women and a church is born. How open are we to changing common ways of operating in mission?
  4. To what extent do you expect to receive leading from the Holy Spirit in ministry situations? What might need to change in you for this to happen more often?
روز 5

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Exploring the Book of Acts: The Holy Spirit

Explore the Book of Acts in a 6-day plan, anchored in Jesus' promise of 'power from on high' for His followers. Delve into key moments where the Holy Spirit empowers the apostles, breaks barriers, and confirms that Jesus Christ is Lord. Learn how mission and the Kingdom's advance rely on the Spirit's dynamic power, and find practical applications for your own faith journey.
