To Us a Son Is Givenنمونه

To Us a Son Is Given

روز 8 از 25

The Right Response

Too often our response to God’s Word is based on whether or not we think it sounds true or reasonable. Instead of seeing ourselves as servants, we put ourselves in the place of a judge. But that’s not how Mary responded to the news that she would, by the power of the Holy Spirit, give birth to a child who would be called the “Son of God.”

Although Mary was initially perplexed about how she could give birth—remember, she didn’t have a husband!—she submitted, referring to herself as the “servant of the Lord.” This should be our response as we hear the truths of God’s Word, truths that often cut against the grain of our own assumptions and cultural expectations. We should take the posture of servants who gladly and instinctively trust the wisdom of our Master.

Is this how you receive God’s Word? Do you come bowing before a sovereign God whose knowledge and power are infinitely greater than your own, or do you rely on your own wisdom? Do you humble yourself, realizing that God is holy and that you need His mercy? Remember, though, this is not a begrudging submission. For those who are in Christ, we ought to hear in Scripture the voice of a loving and wise Father who sent His Son to die for us. And we ought to pray that God would give us a heart that, like Mary, gladly submits to His will.

Simple Summary

The angel’s announcement that Mary would have a child by the power of the Holy Spirit sounded impossible at first. However, Mary trusted God, referring to herself as the “servant of the Lord.” We too should listen to God’s Word with humility. We can trust His wisdom, power, and goodness.


Ask God to give you a heart that is humble and receptive to His Word.

روز 7روز 9

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To Us a Son Is Given

It was the most significant birth in the history of the world. The longed-for Messiah, the Savior, had come. And He was wrapped in cloths lying in a manger. Helping you reflect on these glorious truths is the goal of this Advent reading plan. Each day offers a Scripture reading, a brief reflection and summary of the passage, and a suggestion for prayer.
