Failing Is Okayنمونه

Failing Is Okay

روز 7 از 7

PASS IT ON Imagine for a moment that you are Simon Peter. You are reclining with Jesus and other friends around the dining table, sipping the last ounce of wine from your cup, when you hear Jesus say, “Simon! You will mess up a couple of times in the next few hours!” You’d probably wonder, “what’s with Jesus?” because you are Simon Peter, the closest companion of Jesus! You had the pluck to walk on water when no one dared to step outside the boat. You believed and proclaimed Jesus as Messiah, when no one else was sure! Surely you can’t be the one who will fail? But alas, Simon Peter, the disciple with the foot-in-mouth disease, failed. After a sumptuous Passover meal, he sleeps instead of praying (Mk. 14:37). He disowns Jesus not once, not twice, but thrice in two hours. The man who vowed to follow Jesus to prison and to death (Lk. 22:33) absconds and goes back to fishing. Jesus knew Peter (Oh what peace in being known!) and in effect, tells him, “You will fall on your face. But when you get back on your feet, strengthen your brothers.” Jesus’ ultimate concern was not Peter’s failure. Rather, He prayed that Peter’s faith will remain intact. Also, in John 21:15-17, this time after a hearty breakfast, Jesus comforts Peter with tender love, not once, not twice, but thrice. He then asks him to pass on that love and comfort to those suffering faith-shaking trials. Peter obeyed. He encouraged believers to pray with a clear mind and self-control. He taught them to love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins (1 Pet. 4:8). He learnt his lessons and passed them on. Jesus intercedes for you in your trials so that your faith may not fail. He comforts with tender love so that you can stand up again; and when you do, look out for someone to strengthen. Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for looking beyond what I do to who I can be. Help me identify with people like me and pass on to them what I receive from you.
روز 6

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Failing Is Okay

Everyone in the world faces failure. The difficult part is to accept it and get back up. Taken from " Management Devotional - 2017", published by Christian Institute of Management, Anand Barnabas (a Patent Attorney from Chennai, India), discusses in 7 days, how a Christian must respond to failure, especially in the workplace and the attitude one should have to continue to grow in the Lord despite facing defeats.
