Embracing the Fullness of Your Calling in Christنمونه

Embracing the Fullness of Your Calling in Christ

روز 6 از 6

Called To Stand: Spiritual Warfare & The Good Fight Of Faith

Having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:10 (ESV)

To stand means to endure under pressure and not faint, not to give up, but to continue in our callings through every season and to fulfill our calling regardless of the battles we face.

We are called to stand against an enemy who doesn’t play fair, wants to see us fail, and wants to kill, steal, and destroy everything God has given and promised us in our callings. There will be seasons when we must endure tests, trials, and temptations and stand against the devil's attacks while living out our callings in Christ. However, standing helps to mature our faith.

God has equipped us for every season of warfare by giving us the whole armor of God so that we can stand. Every piece of our spiritual armor is rooted in our relationship with God – our highest and greatest calling, which is why it is called the armor of God. We stand against our enemy, not with our power and might but through the power and authority given to us in Christ.

Girding our waist with truth: the truth is God’s word, but it has to be imbibed and believed for its life-changing power to work. When we meditate on God's word deeply, it transforms us. The breastplate of righteousness: right standing with God comes through Christ’s sacrifice for us, entirely accepted and trusted, not trusting in our righteousness or good works. Our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: God gives us His peace when we abide in Him, and His Holy Spirit and His word abide in us. God’s peace abiding in us allows us to establish His peace wherever we are sent and maintain peace in trying circumstances. The shield of faith is established by knowing and believing God’s word. It is activated by lifting it above all the lies and accusations of the enemy and obeying it. The helmet of salvation: knowing what God has done for us in salvation and seeing ourselves as He sees us - worthy to receive all the benefits and blessings of salvation. The sword of the spirit is the word of God: saying what He says about us, even when we don’t feel like we measure up and or circumstances tell another story. Praying always with all manner of prayer: praying isn’t just about talking to God about our wants and worries. Praying also includes hearing from God, inquiring of God daily before every significant decision and when tests and trials come, and spending time in His presence worshipping Him and drawing near to Him as a son or daughter would a Father.

All these things taken together are the spiritual weapons that when used and mastered over time, teach us how to stand through every season as tests, trials, and temptations come and we live out our callings in Christ.

Prayer: Lord, help me put on my armor daily and continue to stand, especially when I’m going through a difficult season and feel like giving up.

Connect with Krista and download Five Clarifying Questions For Every Season, downloadable guide at http://kristapettiford.com

روز 5

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Embracing the Fullness of Your Calling in Christ

Our calling is our vocation in the world, but in Christ, it is an inclusive invitation from God to step into His purposes and plans for our lives. We live out our callings as God reveals His will over time. In this reading plan, Krista Pettiford invites you to embrace the fullness of your calling and live it out season by season.
