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What Rhymes With Reason

روز 3 از 4



Depression does not pick favorites. It's a difficult topic for us to know how to handle because it's an emotion we weren't designed to handle on our own. I believe it's extremely important for us to understand that if we get to a place where depression sneaks its way into our lives, we’re not broken, imperfect, or outside of God's love. So, we want to remind you again, that no matter what emotions you are carrying, we need to let the right people in so they can help us carry them.

In the clip we saw, Jesse shares how his depression after the loss of his parents has made him unsure whether he can face another sunrise. Again, a pivotal thing for us to see from the film is that he’s taking a step of faith by sharing his emotions with people who care about him, and that's something we should all do when we’re with safe and caring people.


When we look at scripture, we see that there are many times God’s people face this emotion. King David, though he was a hero and man after God's own heart, expresses to God that he feels forgotten, empty, and that even his bones ache within him. Job, who seems to have it all, finds himself in a place where he wonders if there is any rhyme or reason to the pain he feels. Even Jesus himself weeps and is moved in his spirit when his friend Lazarus dies. If you find yourself in a moment or season of depression, God is near, He is with you, and He is the great comforter.

The story of Jesus and Lazarus gives us insight into God's character and how he treats us when we face depression. In John 11:32-44, Jesus goes to the home of Lazarus after he has been dead for four days. The Bible says Jesus looks around at his mourning family and is moved in his spirit and begins to cry hard. As we read on, we know Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.

Why would Jesus weep when he knew that he was going to raise Lazarus? God was being intentional. He wanted us to know that, even though He is all knowing, He knows that we’re not. As a loving God, He steps into our pain and chooses to experience what we experience. In fact, we have to look no further than the cross to know that God steps into the pain and suffering of humanity.

What we want you to know today is that, if you find yourself in a moment or season of depression, God is near, He is with you, and He is the great comforter.


Psalm 42:5-11

John 11:32-44


While Jesse was sharing his struggles with depression, was there anything he said that you related to?

What does it make you feel knowing that people in the Bible like David, Job, and Jesus all felt deep emotional pains in their spirit?

Jesus was moved in his spirit and wept over his friend’s death. Before this devotional, why did you think Jesus cried? And after going through this devotional, how do you think about it differently?

Why do you think it's important to share our emotions with people who care about us the way that Jesse does?

The film is called “What Rhymes With Reason” and we stated in the devotional that Job wondered if there was any rhyme or reason that came with his pain. What do you think the title of this film means?

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What Rhymes With Reason

This four part study guide reflects scenes from the movie 
What Rhymes With Reason. The themes explore Identity, Purpose, Anxiety, and Depression. No matter your age, join us in this journey to encourage more conversations surrounding mental health and faith.
