Called to the Ones: A 5 Day Devotionalنمونه

Called to the Ones: A 5 Day Devotional

روز 4 از 5

Day 4: Hearts To Love The Ones

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth”

(1 John 3:18).

When John wrote these words, my assumption is that he wrote this because there were people who thought they could simply love with words but not have the love they profess impact what they do and how they do it.

God’s living and active word is applicable today because if we are honest, we need to be reminded of this truth.

Words come naturally to us. Words don’t require much commitment. But actions of love are harder to commit to. Why? Perhaps because it requires sacrifice. It demands truth. It calls us to confront when we are wrong. It pushes us towards forgiving when we feel justified to not forgive. Love requires a power outside of ourselves to submit to, namely God, who is Love Himself.

When much of our interactions with people happen online, it’s very easy to think we “love” people—especially people we don’t really know.

But the question is, how are we loving the ones in front of us? The ones who don’t agree with us. The ones who don’t think like us? The ones who aggravate us? The ones who inconvenience us?

When love is reserved for those who respond favorably to us, love ceases to be the kind of love God has called us to because it’s a love that lives within our limited bubble. It’s limited to our understanding and our response.

The kind of love that God calls us to is greater than what we are capable of giving in and of ourselves. That is why we need the Holy Spirit to help us love how He loves. In the same way, we need the Holy Spirit to help us understand God’s love for us.

Ephesians 3:19 calls us to “know the love of Christ, that surpasses knowledge…” A love that surpasses our knowledge is a love that needs the help of the Holy Spirit to know it and walk in it.

As we grow in the awareness of that kind of love, the more we are empowered to love others according to His truth. And while we are commanded to love everyone, we will know how to love the ones in front of us over the illusion of loving the masses whom we can’t see or don’t know.

Prayer: Father, would you give me a heart to love the way You love? I often think I am loving but the moment it takes me out of my comfort, I retreat. Give me the mind to first perceive Your love for me and use that to drive the way I love the ones on my path, with grace and truth.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Called to the Ones: A 5 Day Devotional

In a society driven by clicks, likes and follows, we are conditioned to think that loving our neighbor looks like going overseas for missions or having a platform that gives us a wider reach.The Called to the Ones 5-day devotional seeks to reorient our hearts to God’s command to love our neighbor—the ones who are on our path by being faithful right where He has us.
