Trusting Jesus When Life Is Hard: A Study on John 6نمونه

Trusting Jesus When Life Is Hard: A Study on John 6

روز 4 از 7

Be Still

When life feels chaotic and desperate, some of us try to get control of the situation; others freeze, uncertain how to move forward. Some of us quickly look to someone or something to help us cope. But Jesus offers us a better way.

In today’s reading, we see Jesus’ response to the crowd. Up to this point, He had looked on the crowd with compassion and recognized their immediate need, but He hadn’t said anything to them—yet.

He directed the disciples to tell the crowd to sit down in the grass. This mass of people had walked a long distance to follow Jesus, because they remembered the miracles they’d seen and heard about. Maybe some sat restlessly because they were waiting for their own healing. Maybe some struggled to be calm because of their eagerness for another entertaining thrill from this Miracle Worker.

Regardless of what they were searching for, the first thing Jesus offered them was rest.

To be sure, when we’re in the midst of great bewilderment, need, or fear, the best thing we can regularly do is pause (maybe sit down), be still, and acknowledge God’s presence.

In the Old Testament, Moses instructed the Israelites with a similar command from God as he was leading them out of Egypt. The Israelites had finally and victoriously fled Egypt, but then they were pursued by Pharaoh’s army with their backs up against the Red Sea. This caused a great panic, and the Israelites cried out to God.

In their fear and doubt, Moses encouraged the Israelites, saying:

“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14 NIV

Like the crowd following Jesus and the ancient Israelites, we need this same reminder:

Be still. The Lord is fighting for you.

Child of God, stop trying to fix everything, and choose stillness and rest. Lean into the love and care of Jesus—especially when you’re weary and life feels out of control. He’s got you.

Surrender your fears to God and allow Him to fill you with His peace.

Journal: Name some ways you can incorporate more stillness and prayer into your daily life.

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Trusting Jesus When Life Is Hard: A Study on John 6

This journey through John 6 offers insight to strengthen your faith and encouragement when the road is rough. You’ll discover that the real gift isn’t simply the miracle we think we desperately need, but the trustworthy One who is present with us. Learn more about the miracle of Jesus in this 7-day Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel.
