Seeing Jesus in the Gospel of Markنمونه

Seeing Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

روز 26 از 30


Look Closely:

- Not everything Jesus says is always crystal clear, but we can still learn from what we observe.

- How would you have felt if you were Peter, hearing of the coming tribulation, and the second coming of Jesus for the first time? What questions would you have?

- As an average Jewish man or woman living under Roman rule, what about Jesus’ teaching brings comfort and assurance?

- What does "staying awake" literally look like? What would it have looked like before electricity? How do you think the disciples understood this command?

Bible Dictionary Spotlight: Tribulation

In a general sense, tribulation refers to great hardships and suffering. Using that definition; many events in history could be classified this way. From a biblical perspective, there are differing opinions on tribulation and what Jesus spoke of in Mark 13. Some believe He was referring only to the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem in AD 70. Others believe Jesus refers to an event that we are still waiting for. Another view holds that Jesus spoke of both a near and distant future.

As we are still waiting for the “Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory”- the second coming of Christ - it seems that an even greater tribulation will come before our King returns. This would be the great tribulation spoken of in Revelation 7:14. Who will be alive during that tribulation? Who will have to go through it? Will it be us? What will be the timing of this event? Those answers are much debated, and Jesus seems to leave the answers we wish we had unclear. In fact, He seems to have done this on purpose! Rather than trying to work out the exact when and how, Jesus encourages all His followers to be alert and ready. “Stay awake!

روز 25روز 27

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Seeing Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

In a world of hostility, corruption, and confusion, a regular guy named Mark wrote his gospel to boldly proclaim that Jesus is THE good news. Mark vividly tells his story with urgency and purpose, giving all of us a front-row seat to the teachings, miracles, discipleship, and life of Jesus. This plan puts you in the story so that you can observe, ask questions, and learn alongside the disciples.
