I Quit Social Media for 1 Year (4 Biblical Lessons I Learned)نمونه

I Quit Social Media for 1 Year (4 Biblical Lessons I Learned)

روز 1 از 4

Day 1. Being More Present

Ever notice how Mary, in Luke 10:38-42, just hung out at Jesus' feet, taking in His words, without a worry in the world? That's the kind of focus we're talking about here. She was present in the moment.

And when I began my one-year fast from social media, this was also one of the first things I discovered. After just a few days, I noticed that it was easier to be present with God.

It's like lending to the Lord. You take a break from the phone and give your time to more important things, and He pays you back big time. You'll feel more connected, more peaceful, more...real.

With all the tweets, updates, and posts buzzing around, it's easy to get lost in the noise. But when we hit the off button and step back, we can find a calm we forgot was even there.

Matthew 6:33-34 says we focus on seeking God first and let tomorrow worry about itself. That certainly is easier said than done, but I discovered that it is much easier when the noise of social media isn't there to distract me.

The best part is you don't have to commit to a year-long fast. You can begin to see some of these benefits by simply stepping away for a day!

So today, let's make a deal. Let's try to be more like Mary. Put the phone down for a bit and just be. See what happens. You might find a little bit of peace you didn't know was missing.

روز 2

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I Quit Social Media for 1 Year (4 Biblical Lessons I Learned)

I decided to take a year-long break from social media. It wasn't easy, but the Biblical lessons I learned are invaluable. Regardless of whether or not you ever take a 1-year social media fast, these verses and principles can bring you an abundance of more peace and joy in your life.
