All In: Faith Unfazed in a World of Chaosنمونه

All In: Faith Unfazed in a World of Chaos

روز 6 از 7

One of the great joys of parenting occurs when you see your children doing the things you have taught them and doing those things on their own without being prompted. It is thrilling to see your kids demonstrate compassion for someone who desperately needs it.

This world needs compassionate people, and if we are going to live with unfazed faith that is all in, we must show compassion. In our Scripture today, we see that the people being written to had compassion for the writer, who was in prison.

Not only does it say they showed compassion, but they “…took joyfully the spoiling of your goods.” They could have easily kept their earthly goods, but they joyfully parted with them so they would have the means to show compassion.

When you are all-in, it makes it easier to take what God has blessed you with and use it to bless other people. That is where it is all at. Giving and showing compassion is something that is going to be a part of your life now and throughout eternity. When you are a giver and you show compassion, you are not going to lose your grip and be phased by the chaos and craziness of this world.

When you are busy helping people, your problems that seem so big will get smaller. When you are blessing people, the issues that you feel are so great will diminish.

This is what Jesus did for us. He showed compassion on us while we were yet sinners. He gave us everything, so why shouldn’t we be willing to help people and show compassion?

Take some time to think about what God has done for you and ask Him to show you how you can bless others.

روز 5روز 7

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All In: Faith Unfazed in a World of Chaos

Good. Better. Best. Everyone has these options in their life. Do you approach things in your life halfway, never really giving your full attention and purpose to anything? What would happen if you stepped out and became all-in for God? Our world is spiraling towards chaos and less of God when we should be seeking more of Him. Learn how to have faith unfazed in a world of chaos.
