Uncommon Loveنمونه

Uncommon Love

روز 5 از 14


As Christians, we are to be counter-cultural. John 17 says, "they are not of the world, even as I am not of it.” This may be seen through our words, actions, and the general way we approach life. Actively and continually forgiving others, as we read about yesterday, is one example of how we are called to be counter-cultural.

Jesus was counter-cultural. He was born into a world with rigid ideas and laws governing society. In John 13, we see Jesus insist that He wash His disciples' feet. Their feet would have been filthy, walking in sandals through ancient, dusty paths and roads, which they shared with animals. Peter was horrified that His master would do such a lowly thing, but Jesus impressed on them an important lesson in humility.

This is how we are to live as disciples of Jesus. No matter how high we rank in society, in our workplace, church, or any other place, we are called to humble ourselves, to love and serve others.

We can be so fixated on our own life and all the various moving parts that we can completely miss the hurting people all around us. What would Jesus do? Would He sit next to a hurting person on a commute to work for 45 minutes without uttering a word? Would He show kindness to someone when He felt moved? Let’s be more like Jesus, not looking away or to our own interests but to the needs of others, pouring out the uncommon love we have received into our world.

Daily Prayer

God, help me to be more like you. Help me take off my blinders and consider the people around me. Guide me to put their interests above my own. Show me someone in my world that I can do this for today.

روز 4روز 6

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Uncommon Love

The Bible speaks of a love that is unfathomable. God’s love is limitless, offered freely to all people at all times. It is an uncommon love. Over the next 14 days, we will go on a journey of first understanding His uncommon love for us and then how His uncommon love empowers and compels us to live.
