Endure: Building Faith for the Long Runنمونه

Endure: Building Faith for the Long Run

روز 8 از 13

Made for Community

When the COVID-19 lockdowns began, seemingly overnight, we went from being able to go to worship services at a local church to having to watch a streaming service in our homes. In those first few weeks of self-isolation, it was a true blessing to still hear my pastor preach and to be able to worship in the middle of my living room while singing along with my church’s worship team. As much of a blessing as those days were, it was not the same. Something was missing.

There was no substitute for the gathering of God’s people. While I could see my pastor and my worship team, they could not see me. Every Sunday, when I logged in to our live stream, I could see the count of the other households that were logged into the watch. I could not pray over a buddy that I knew was having a tough week. I could not give an assuring hug to those I counted as dear friends.

There are so many aspects of gathering that cannot be done in a virtual environment. God intended for His church to be together in a physical location, investing in each other’s lives, not gathering for a virtual experience. That is why the author of Hebrews was explicit in saying we should not make a habit of being distant from one another:

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near

God gave us the church so His mission will be accomplished and the people of God will have the support they need to live in this broken world. God intends for you to share your life and even your burdens with the people you call your brothers and sisters in Christ. God charges His church to do this in Galatians 6:2:

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Seek out people you can trust and whom you love. When you find those people, make sure they know what is going on in your life so that they can love you, stand behind you, and pray for you.

God has brought His church together through the work of Jesus on the cross and His adoption of believers into the family of God. Like any family, the church of God takes work, but the work is worth it. We gather, love, serve, and share, knowing we will grow and God will be glorified—now and as we endure in our faith in the future.

روز 7روز 9

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Endure: Building Faith for the Long Run

Following Jesus is like running a race. But it's a marathon, not a sprint. While we prefer to live in the immediate, our God is not after quick fixes. His ways and his timetable are better. He wants to make us like Christ, and that takes a lifetime. So how do we run the race with endurance?
