Chosen: A Study in Ephesiansنمونه

Chosen: A Study in Ephesians

روز 4 از 6

What does it say?

Paul urged the Ephesians to live in a manner worthy of the name of Jesus Christ.

What does it mean?

Paul had just reminded the Ephesian believers that no one deserves God’s love (Eph. 2:3-4), but now that they had received His grace and forgiveness, their lives should be commendable as followers of Jesus Christ. He described exactly what that looked like in everyday life. Since all believers share the same Father, Savior, and Spirit, they ought to do whatever is needed to live lovingly, peacefully, humbly, and patiently with one another – just as God, for the sake of Christ, is loving, forgiving, and patient with His children. Mature Christians learn to discard any attitude or behavior that reflects their old way of life and genuinely desire to respond to one another with compassion.

How should I respond?

We talk a lot about the grace of God, and rightly so. Sometimes, though, we refuse to give others what we have freely received from the Lord. That kind of Christianity is not worthy of the name of Christ. God’s love, forgiveness, and patience with us are never-ending and fill us with peace beyond understanding. He wants us to extend the same compassion to others that He has extended to us – no matter who they are. Think of the people who have hurt you or are difficult to be around, and pray for them every day this week. Ask God to work in your heart so that you will respond to them like He has responded to you – with grace, forgiveness, and love.

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Chosen: A Study in Ephesians

Written by Paul in prison, Ephesians beautifully describes the vast reality of the gospel. Chosen before the foundation of the earth, God’s eternal plan of redemption takes spiritually dead men and women and raises them to life in Christ. Ephesians reminds us the gospel is all of God, all of grace, and all purposed “to show the immeasurable riches of His grace towards us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7).
