Pray First: Abide • Ask • Followنمونه

Pray First: Abide • Ask • Follow

روز 5 از 21

Day 5: Abide and Know Love

Come Before Him In Worship: “I exalt Your name above all else, Yahweh! Be enthroned upon my heart, for You are my King and my Lord! In Your presence there’s fullness of joy, treasures forevermore, and it’s my glory to find them! I keep my gaze fixed on You, the One who guards my mind and heart and makes me radiant! Let me be filled with the awareness of Your glory. For who can measure Your greatness, Your holiness, Your worth? My Lord, thank You for what You will do!”

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” John 15:9

Devotion: The word “abide” means “to remain, to stay.” After giving us the parable of the vine, in which Jesus speaks of the blessing of the fruit that will come from our union, He draws us even closer and more tenderly by reminding us of His perfect love for us, which mirrors that of God’s love for Him. In context, Jesus was comforting and encouraging His fearful disciples in His last hours before the cross, reminding them to rest in His love for them. That love is different from our love. It is a divine, pure, and eternal love that compelled Him to leave heaven and come to earth to rescue us through His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave! He explains 4 verses later, that “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” Abiding in Jesus involves remaining in His love.

How do we do this? We do this by believing in the reality of Jesus’ love for us and walking in the certainty of it. His love is so intense and perfect that we can depend on it to hang on to us and keep us in it. None of our imperfect or weak ways will be able to block or undo it! It is powerful enough to hold us tight and never let us go (Isaiah 54:10). If we could, for one moment, understand the mighty depths of God’s love for us, we would have no trouble surrendering all to Him! It is knowing this perfect love, that gives everything and holds nothing back, that compels us to place our lives into His hands. Rest in the promises of His perfect love for you today.

Respond in Prayer: Your love is better than life, my Lord! How could I want anything else after tasting the richness of Your everlasting love? You have made a case for Your love in laying down Your crown so that You would give me mine. You gave up your glory for a moment so that I can partake in it with You. Your love is magnificent and extravagant! I could shout it from the rooftops all day long!

Thank You Lord for modeling true love for us—a love that is unconditional and selfless, that gives everything and holds nothing back, time and time again! You gave everything to the Father as You gave everything for us. Because You understood true love, You surrendered all to Him. You laid down Your life for Him in obedience and faith, and there is no greater love than this one You prototyped for all to see! This displays trust, honor, and friendship between You, the Father, and Holy Spirit. Help me do the same for You, for You have proven that You are worthy of it! Help me to fully believe Your love so that I may too give away what You have given me. I need Your love to abide; I need Your love to love You and others. For You are love, and as I remain in You, I remain in love. Let it be so Jesus!

روز 4روز 6

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Pray First: Abide • Ask • Follow

The start of a new year provides us all with a great opportunity to take stock of our relationship with Jesus. Are you strong in him? Have you drifted? Are you hungry for more? This prayer plan is designed to help in that endeavor and to mobilize you, alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ, for the Kingdom! Use the prayer prompts to spur your own Spirit-directed prayers.
