Don't Settle for a Copyنمونه

Don't Settle for a Copy

روز 3 از 5

Prepare Yourself to be the Original for Another Person

Single people aspiring to marry hope to someday find the girl of their dreams, or their prince charming. It’s likely that each time they meet a prospective candidate, they rightfully scrutinize to see if the person meets their standards. If this is you, we’d like to challenge you momentarily to flip the script, so to speak, and examine your life. Take a second to examine yourself as you prepare to become the prince, or princess, for your future spouse.

Many times we require of others what we aren’t willing to do ourselves. How can this be? Picture a single individual who’s convinced their life partner should hold a stable job, with a high-paying salary, 401K and medical coverage, but who is not currently employed or at least studying to better themself because they have no aspirations in life. They could be possibly setting themself up to be a burden instead of a blessing; a “copy”.

The Scriptures talk about not joining a donkey with a mule, that is to form an unequal yoke. The example mentioned in the previous paragraph is relevant to this passage. The differences in spiritual maturity or preparation between two people serves as another. Our intention is to let you know that it is not only important to pray as you seek your “original” partner, but that you also prepare yourself to be the “original” partner that someone else is looking for. You should prepare spiritually, emotionally and financially so that in marriage you consistently plow (work) in a straight line together with the partner that God has for you. You mustn't become the stubborn and lazy donkey that delays the process and eventually results in a union of continuous frustrations.

The Bible compares a yoke to fellowship and harmony. Be an imitator of the Messiah, who had his spiritual preparation, but also a trade with which he helped his parents until he assumed his ministry. Your words must be edifying too, and your motives must be honest and correct. Above all, be sure you’ve received inner healing from past wounds and mistakes. Prepare yourself spiritually, emotionally and professionally so that your union with your “original” is a blessing with companionship and harmony that gets passed on from generation to generation. As long as your preparation is not complete, you will not be mature enough to assume the role of a good “original”.

روز 2روز 4

دربارۀ اين برنامۀ مطالعه

Don't Settle for a Copy

The main concept of this 5-day devotional deals with practical guidance in identifying one’s ideal spouse with the help of God. The title "original" is used here to represent the best possible option as a lifelong companion, and the terms “copy” or “copies” describe all other possible partner options. The authors' objective is aimed at single, divorced or widowed people who intend to marry or remarry and fulfill the grand purpose that God has for their life.
