Here I Am, Lord: Devotions from Time of Graceنمونه

Here I Am, Lord: Devotions from Time of Grace

روز 13 از 31

Thank You, Lord, for Forgiving Me

I appreciate being given some slack. I love it when my friends overlook my bad behavior. I am relieved when my boss understands and gives me some extra time. I know I can be hard to live with sometimes and appreciate it when my spouse doesn’t keep score. But I am grateful most of all when you, O Lord, choose not to hold my many sins against me.

I will never stop praising you for your gospel. If I had to earn your favor on the basis of my performance, I would stay an outsider for all eternity. Your Word assures my nervous heart that our good relationship rests on your work and your attitude and your choice, not mine: “As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:11,12).

Lord, remember what you said! East by definition never meets west. Don’t let the evidence of my sins anywhere near you. Please, Father--when you think of me, think of Jesus your Son first. View me always through your Christ-lenses. Thank you for giving me a righteousness I could never accomplish or afford on my own. I love living in your love.

روز 12روز 14

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Here I Am, Lord: Devotions from Time of Grace

God knows that our tongues and brains sometimes lack the words to say, and so he provided the beautiful book of Psalms in his Word to provide vocabulary for us to bring our thoughts and concerns to him. These devotions, one for each day of the month, use psalms to help you voice your needs and hurts and joys to the Lord.
