How to Use Your Spiritual Giftsنمونه

How to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

روز 2 از 9

The spiritual gifts of administration, leadership, and music

Administration effectively organizes people and ministries.

Without the gift of administration, it’s difficult to get people working together to accomplish service projects or meet in an orderly way. Without purposeful, Spirit-filled administration, people and important details fall between the cracks.

If you have the gift of administration, are you organizing people and events toward Christ’s purpose? Pray that opportunities will open up to use your gifts. Sometimes the task can be thankless, so watch out for resentment that might creep in.

Administration is often taken for granted whether behind the scenes or on stage. If you don’t have this gift, thank the people around you who do, and realize how much unnoticed time and effort they invest.

Reflect on Nehemiah’s example in Nehemiah 2–5.

Leadership motivates and inspires others to love Jesus fully.

Leadership might garner a lot of attention, but it also includes quiet leadership that inspires others. Leaders gifted by the Holy Spirit will not be harsh, overly demanding, or prideful. An inspired leader who submits themselves to Christ will be humble and lead by example as well as through direction.

If the Spirit has gifted you with leadership, are you using it intentionally, aiming at glorifying God? Or is pride creeping into your life as more people follow you? When was the last time you used a harsh word with someone or used your power for selfish gain?

Have you delegated recently? If not, consider whether you’re overburdening yourself. You can trust other people God has blessed with other spiritual gifts and competencies.

If you don’t have the gift of leadership, encourage a leader whom you follow with kind words. They receive thanks less often than you probably think! Consider how you can best serve alongside the godly leaders around you and offer your gifts to church leaders.

Reflect on King Josiah’s example in 2 Kings 22–23.

The gift of music shares God's truth and love in a way that draws people into a personal encounter with him.

Note: Music is never explicitly defined as a spiritual gift in the Bible. However, we believe that the various lists of spiritual gifts are not exhaustive.

When the Spirit inspires a musical gifting, it means more than just a talent for making music.

God can use those with the spiritual gift of music to help people focus on him in a way that fosters a genuine connection with the Lord.

If you have the gift of music, are you using it to serve in a church setting? Churches nearly always need vocalists, musicians, and sound engineers with that gift. You can also begin by leading intimate worship settings within small groups in your church. Worship in smaller contexts often leads to moving experiences with the Lord.

If you don’t have the gift of music, posture yourself as open to the Lord during worship. Be forgiving of musically gifted people. They don’t always get it right, and thank them for leading. It’s about the Lord, not them.

Read about David’s example in 1 Samuel 16:14-23.

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How to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

If you follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit has empowered you with spiritual gifts for his glory. Are you actively using them for the benefit of others? Do you feel like you’re misapplying them? This study dives into what spiritual gifts are, how God will use your gifts, and how to connect with other Christians who possess gifts different from yours.
