Come, Lord Jesus, Comeنمونه

Come, Lord Jesus, Come

روز 8 از 14

In Jesus’ Own Words

I Will Come Back

READ: John 14:1–4

SOAP: John 14:3

“And if I go and make ready a place for you, I will come again and take you to be with me, so that where I am you may be too.”

Into the Text

I love the assurance in Jesus’ words. Yes, He was leaving, but not for long and not forever. His leaving had a greater purpose. We find ourselves in a waiting period as we eagerly anticipate His return.

We know Jesus is trustworthy. We know this from the prophecies Jesus made that have already been fulfilled, such as the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, His own suffering and death, the persecution of the apostles, and the preaching of the gospel in the whole world. Jesus is trustworthy, and if He says He will come back, we can bet our bottom dollar that He will.

What an encouraging verse to focus on as we wait for His arrival. Jesus is preparing such an incredible place for us in heaven that all the mansions on this earth and all the houses in the home remodeling shows will pale in comparison. Nothing in this world can even hint at how beautiful, perfect, and amazing will be our heavenly home, built by the Master Carpenter Himself. I can safely say it will be beyond our imagination. The most beautiful sunset or peaceful rolling hills cannot begin to compare in beauty to what Jesus has in store for us.

Nevertheless, the absolute best part is that Jesus will be there with us. Never again will we be separated from Him.


Dear Lord, thank You for Your love for me. Thank You for Your generosity and desire to have me live with You forever. You are good, and everything You do is good. Thank You for the heavenly home You are creating that I will one day be able to enjoy in Your presence. Especially on days when the cares of this world weigh me down, help me to remember that I can look forward to what is coming in the future. Help me keep my eyes focused on You so that I can hold firm to the hope of heaven. You are so good to me, and I am forever thankful to You. Until the day when You take me home, I will pray, "Come, Lord Jesus, come." Amen.

روز 7روز 9

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Come, Lord Jesus, Come

In this study, we will see that throughout the New Testament Jesus and others often talked about His return. The purpose of this study is to offer encouragement as the hour draws near, helping us to live aware but not in fear. As we watch and wait for Christ’s return, may He find us working and witnessing.
