Come, Lord Jesus, Comeنمونه

Come, Lord Jesus, Come

روز 2 از 14

In The Days of Noah

READ: Luke 17:26–37

SOAP: Luke 17:26–27

“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so too it will be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage—right up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.”

Into the Text

As Noah finished building the ark and the people around him witnessed the animals coming two by two into the ark, their lives and hearts did not change. They continued in their sinful living right up to the moment God closed the doors. Noah’s generation was one of religious compromise and moral decline. I’m sure Noah must have been heartbroken. I can’t imagine what he and his family heard as the floodwaters came.

As we read in today’s passage, Christ’s return will be sudden and terrifying for unbelievers. As in Noah’s day, people will still be living life as normal, not realizing that their world is about to drastically change. Weddings will still be happening, events will still be planned for the next year, and people will still be eating and drinking and enjoying life, right up to the last normal minute.

How does this reminder of what the world was like in Noah’s day impact us today? First, we must remember that now is the time to pray and work. Pray for your unsaved friends and family because when Christ returns, it will be too late. Now is the time to be busy doing the work God has called us to as we eagerly wait for the wonderful fulfillment of His promised return (Acts 1:6-11). As we wait, we are not to be like the Pharisees who were more concerned about future events (Luke 17:20) and missed the amazing opportunities Jesus was giving them in the present. No, let's eagerly await Christ’s return while we continue—with urgency—to do the work He has prepared for us today.


Dear Lord, today I take time to pray for my loved ones who do not know You. Please, Lord, open their hearts to You. I pray for salvation for all those in my life who have not accepted Your free gift of salvation. Please, Lord, use me in their lives to help them see You better. My life is Yours, dear Jesus. Use me powerfully to help more people accept You as their Lord and Savior as I daily pray, "Come, Lord Jesus, come." Amen.

روز 1روز 3

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Come, Lord Jesus, Come

In this study, we will see that throughout the New Testament Jesus and others often talked about His return. The purpose of this study is to offer encouragement as the hour draws near, helping us to live aware but not in fear. As we watch and wait for Christ’s return, may He find us working and witnessing.
