Should I Fear Ghosts and Evil Spirits?نمونه

Should I Fear Ghosts and Evil Spirits?

روز 8 از 8

Eating candy won’t harm you spiritually

“Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without raising any question on the ground of conscience.” (1 Corinthians 10:25)

Earlier in this reading plan, we read a severe warning of the apostle Paul regarding idol worship. His message was clear: don’t take part in this kind of festivals, for there is a dark spiritual reality behind it. However, to get a balanced view I also want to discuss the verses following this warning.

When meat was sold in the market, it could have been sacrificed to idols first. That is no problem, Paul says. Eating this food won’t harm you spiritually. The same goes for food offered to you by others when you are invited to a dinner. You can just eat it without asking any questions. However, he adds, if someone tells you this food has been sacrificed to idols, it’s better to stay away from it for the sake of this person’s conscience.

Eating candy or pumpkin pie offered to you on Halloween won’t do you any harm, not even if it’s decorated with spooky and gruesome figures. Accepting it may offer you an opportunity to start a conversation on death, life after death, and on the true Light that can save us from all darkness.

After all, we have the best news in the world to share: Our God offers freedom from fear and death. He offers every single human eternal life and joy!

Thanks for finishing this reading plan. If you want to know more about the theme of demonic influence, we have an article about this on our website. We also offer you some ideas what to do for Halloween as a Christian.

روز 7

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Should I Fear Ghosts and Evil Spirits?

Many people around the world celebrate some form of Halloween or holiday that lifts up death, evil, or ghostly spirits. These holidays are filled with mystery, magic, and superstition. Join us as we explore what the Bible says about underlying themes like death and witchcraft.
