Embracing Trust by Joanna Weaverنمونه

Embracing Trust by Joanna Weaver

روز 5 از 7


Over the years, God has used Proverbs 3:5–6 to recalibrate my soul:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.

Each line of this Scripture contains important clues as to how we can know God, trust God, and become people after His own heart:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.”

Half-hearted trust won’t cut it. We’ve got to bring everything to the table, including all we are. We can’t trust God with our whole being if we’re making backup plans in case He doesn’t come through. God is looking for wholehearted surrender and continued reliance on Him. Day by day. Minute by minute. David writes in Psalm 62:5: “I depend on God alone; I put my hope in him.”

“And do not lean on your own understanding.”

Lingering residue from the Tree of Knowledge makes it hard to let go of our need to understand. As fix-it queens by nature, we think we should be able to figure out life on our own, but our human intellect will always be limited and often faulty. However, when we invite God into the equation, He promises to make us wiser. As James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all.”

“In all your ways, acknowledge Him.”

So often, in the middle of trouble, I forget to consciously recognize that Jesus is with me, that nothing takes Him by surprise or is beyond His power to save. I’ve found that when I “acknowledge” He’s present with me in all my ways—not just some of them—I don’t default so easily to fear.

“And He will make your paths straight.”

Rather than giving in to fear when difficulties arise, I’m learning to declare my faith in Jesus out loud: “Lord, I trust You with all I am and face. I acknowledge that You are with me in this situation—I am not alone. Thank You for going before me and showing me the way to go.”

Pray the prayer above out loud, filling in the details of your situation as you intentionally acknowledge that God is with you.

روز 4روز 6

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Embracing Trust by Joanna Weaver

Trust is God’s love language. Nothing brings Him more joy than when we put our hope fully in Him. In this week’s devotional, Joanna Weaver helps us see how our view of God changes how we navigate our fears and hopes in this uncertain world. Breathe deep and immerse yourself in God’s unchanging Word as we explore what it means to trust God no matter what comes our way.
