Good Shepherd 3-Day Devotional With Andrea Olsonنمونه

Good Shepherd 3-Day Devotional With Andrea Olson

روز 2 از 3

The last part of Luke 6:45 in the passion translation recently stopped me in my tracks. It says, “...For the overflow of what has been stored in your heart will be seen by your fruit and be heard by your words.”

Based on that verse, let’s take a moment to answer these questions honestly. After you read them, pause and write your answers in a journal.

What thoughts and practices fill my days?

What am I storing in my heart?

Where are the imbalances that I need to address?

So, what I’m filling myself with privately and storing in my heart will overflow in public. My husband, kids, the people around me, and those I work with and serve through ministry will see it and be affected by it. It’s a sobering realization that the investments I make in my own spiritual life do not only affect me. They impact those around me that God has called me to serve. From those closest to me in my household to those I lead in worship ministry. So, I must be mindful of my pace and intentional with how and what I fill myself.

The world says run faster; go harder; do more. But our call is to come closer. Draw nearer. Be still. Because when we choose to fill ourselves with the things of God…refilling with Him daily, we don’t have room to store anything other than Him in our hearts. God replaces our fears and worries with restoration and revival for our lives (Psalm 23:3a in The Passion Translation). Clarity and purpose for the path ahead (Psalm 23:3b in The Passion Translation). And peace because no matter the valley we walk through, He has already conquered it. (Psalm 23:4 in The Passion Translation).

Yesterday I referenced a song I released called Good Shepherd. The first verse says:

There is a calm inside Your whisper

My heart can recognize Your voice

The way you speak to me is tender

Your Presence is my deepest joy

As followers of Christ, we have access to every single one of those things. When we take time to fill ourselves with Him, we experience the calming tone of His whisper and the deep joy in His Presence.

Once again, I challenge you to pause in His Presence today and make plans for the days ahead. It is the only way to face life’s circumstances equipped with all we could ever need. It keeps us tethered to Him.

While you’re taking the time to pause, ask the Holy Spirit to give you revelation. Lean into the calm of His whisper and stay there for a while. It may be hard to be still at first, but the more you practice pausing in His Presence, the easier it will become and the more you desire it.

If this idea is new to you, or you’re struggling with where to begin today, start with this prayer:

Lord Jesus, thank you for your calming, gentle, peaceful Presence. Please forgive me for the times I have busied myself and missed how You speak. Fill me with the things of You so that nothing else is stored in my heart. Please speak to me now as I sit and listen for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Good Shepherd 3-Day Devotional With Andrea Olson

Is your life more fast-paced than ever? When was the last time you took the time to pause in God’s presence? Join Andrea Olson on this three-day journey through Psalm 23. You will walk away with encouragement for your heart and practical tools to help you practice pausing in His presence.
