Speaking Life in Your Marriageنمونه

Speaking Life in Your Marriage

روز 5 از 5

“Let Us Consider”

Today let’s ponder the instruction from Hebrews 10 to “consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” This is a call to action for us to help motivate one another toward living righteous, Kingdom-minded lives. Our words can call out the best or the worst in a person. When we take the proactive step of studying ways to use our words, Proverbs 25 and 16 tell us that kind and well timed words are “sweet to the soul and healthy to the body,” and “like apples of gold.”

Have you ever gotten a compliment or encouragement that stuck with you? Or maybe you remember a harsh word that was spoken to you long ago. Words that speak to the good someone sees in us can encourage us in our growth and help us see what God has done and is doing in our lives. They can call us up to grow into all He has for us. In your marriage, be the one to notice and call out the good in your spouse. Speak to what you see God doing in them, the good you see in them, and the way they impact the world around you.

Praying for your spouse is a great way to use your words to build them up, while growing together in spiritual intimacy. Praying for someone else helps us to see them through God’s eyes and be attuned to what He is doing in and through them. Where do you need to see God move in your lives? What do you hope He will do in your lives, or the life of someone around you? You can pray together silently, together verbally, or on your own.

Another fun way to use the life-giving power of words is to encourage others together. Make a point to notice the good things you see in your family members, kids, and community, then speak to them. Find ways to speak life to others together. Being a couple who speaks life to others will be life-giving to the two of you, and to those that you encourage.

Next Steps:

  • Ask your spouse how you can pray for them, then do it.
  • Speak life to others: Who can you encourage together? Who has encouraged you that you can thank?


Love Cans Printable: Learn How To Fill Up Your Wife's Love Tank

This fun exercise is designed to help you to pay attention to the love tanks in your marriage and do your part to keep them full. This simple exercise can help you define the things that fill up your spouse’s love tanks so that you can keep them full. Grab the Love Cans Printable here.

Also, be sure to follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for more great insights on how to build an awesome marriage. We would love to connect with you!

روز 4

دربارۀ اين برنامۀ مطالعه

Speaking Life in Your Marriage

Scripture tells us that our words are powerful. In the busyness of life, it’s easy to forget to use our words purposefully to build up and encourage the people around us. Speaking life can bring more joy and peace to your life and your relationships. In this 5 day plan by Lindsay Few, we will look at simple ways to use the power of your words for good.
