How to Lead When You're Behind the Scenes نمونه

How to Lead When You're Behind the Scenes

روز 3 از 3

Day Three: Support

When God made Adam, He claimed it was not good for man to be alone. The same goes for leaders.

Before God named Bezalel as His chosen artist, He revealed the details of the Ark and the tabernacle to Moses. Exodus 31:6 also lets us know God “appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamak, of the tribe of Dan, to help [Bezalel].” Even though Bezalel was physically building the Ark by himself, God made sure he was not alone. God even had Moses gather all the artists and craftsmen in the camp to work on the tabernacle so Bezalel could focus his own time and talents on the Ark. No matter what happened, Bezalel was surrounded by people who God had equipped to support and encourage him in his calling.

Support is a two-way street. We must receive it and give it. You weren’t created to take on everything by yourself; God has placed people in your life to mentor you, lead with you, encourage you, and support you.

Can you imagine if Bezalel tried to do it all by himself? What if he pushed everyone away because he thought as a “leader” he needed to do everything alone? Or, what if he downplayed his role and assumed he was too insignificant to receive help? At some point, he would’ve burned out. No matter what your role is, you need people to speak life into you.

We never read about Bezalel getting jealous of Moses or throwing a pity party because he wasn’t receiving enough credit for his hard work. The Bible says Bezalel was “filled with God’s Spirit,” which may be why we never read about him becoming full of himself, despite his many talents. He knew what he was building wasn’t about him at all — it was about God’s glory, and this freed him up to support Moses with a willing spirit.

Like Bezalel, you might be in a position where God is calling you to support those who are in the spotlight. Will you do it with a willing spirit? It’s possible to serve behind the scenes and still shine. You may never be seen or acknowledged by people, but what you build, who you teach, and how you support others will influence the world long after you’re gone.

That’s the secret to winning when you’re leading behind the scenes (BTS): Build, Teach, and Support.

Who has God placed in your life to work alongside you? Are you accepting their help or trying to do it all on your own? How can you support the people God has placed over you and around you with a willing spirit?

روز 2

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How to Lead When You're Behind the Scenes

We live in a world where to be seen is to be known and to be known is to have influence… or so we’re told. Leadership without a spotlight doesn’t make you any less of a leader, and it doesn’t make your calling any less important or impactful. Join us over the next three days as we learn how to lead in obscurity from a man named Bezalel.
