Take Courageنمونه

Take Courage

روز 2 از 14

“No Longer Slaves to Fear"

Fear is referenced in the Bible many times over. God knew that as humans we would struggle with this emotion. For some of us, that struggle is a daily battle. For some of us, it’s a nightmare.

Don’t give up! There is hope. Hope is a Person—personified in Jesus Christ our Savior. He is our Peace. He is our Strong Tower. He is our Help. He is our Resting Place. He is our Shield. He is our Deliverer.

Yesterday we were reminded that we are dearly loved. Scripture teaches, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear”. What a promise! What a Savior!

I love the song “No Longer Slaves” by Bethel Music and encourage you to listen to the lyrics: “I’m no longer a slave to fear/ I am a child of God.” Do you believe those words? Hear me loud and clear: You are a child of God. Rest in that. Again, it’s your identity.

The song goes on to say, “My fears were drowned in perfect love.” We have the promise that, “Perfect love casts out fear”. I don’t know about you, but I need to be reminded of this—again and again.

Does God love me perfectly? Yes! Does perfect love cast out fear? Yes! Do you really believe that God loves you? Perfectly? Passionately? Unashamedly? Unconditionally?

I know answering these questions isn’t easy, but tomorrow we’ll talk about why trusting and believing in His perfect love can lead to a breakthrough in our struggle with fear. For now, just say out loud: “Perfect love casts out fear.” Say it again. Stand up and walk around your living room and kitchen, or if you’re in your car, shout it out. Meditate on this truth throughout your day.

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Take Courage

In Take Courage: Winning the War on Fear, author Greg Atkinson shares Scriptures that have encouraged and strengthened him over the past three decades of facing fear and anxiety. Greg knows the struggle of battling fear daily, but finds great comfort in God’s Word and you can, too.
