Who Do You Think You Are?نمونه

Who Do You Think You Are?

روز 5 از 5

Know You are in Community

Ephesians 4:1-6

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

Knowing who you are in Christ, where you stand, and his love and power all culminate in the value of knowing the community around you. In the ‘doing’ section of Ephesians 4 – 6, Paul begins with the word ‘therefore’ meaning because of what I just told you about, (in chapters 1 – 3), now do this! And his first instruction: Walk in humility, gentleness with patience, eagerness to maintain unity. There is value in knowing that you are not alone, that you can have the strength of identity in the community that surrounds you and journeys with you, and that value is released as we walk knowing our security in Christ and in humility with one another.

The value of community is found in humility, and the key to humility is knowing your security. We are better together, having one hope, one faith, one Lord, but this unity doesn’t come easily. Paul says, ‘make every effort to keep the unity’ and ‘bearing’ with one another in love. It is love that keeps us in unity and sometimes it’s an effort to maintain it. So how do we remain in community?

In Ephesians 4:17-24, Paul shows that in striving for unity in community, there are some things that we need to put away – dishonesty, anger, stealing, evil speaking, and bitterness. In their place, there must be integrity, generosity, the willingness to forgive, and love as Christ loved (4:25-5:2). You won’t see the value of the community around you unless you put away some things and put on others. It is the moments when you put off your selfish desires and put on humility that you are fighting for community.

In our final chapters, Paul gives us practical wisdom about how to bring respect and love back into our families (Eph 4-5) and how to stand strong in warfare (Eph 6), but it all comes from having a strong and solid identity in Christ. Having a strong identity in Him builds strong Church communities of humility and builds strong, respectful, and loving families, that stand strong against the enemy.

Prayer Point: I pray Lord that you will show me the value of the Church community and the family that you have put me in. I pray that I will take off the things that take me out of that community and put on love, humility, and respect. I pray, Lord that within that strength of knowing who I am in you and how much you love me, that I will let go of anything that hinders that connection, I will forgive, love, and walk in a manner worthy of your calling. Thank you for all you have taught me in the book of Ephesians. Let the truths you have shown me be a solid foundation that I can stand on. Amen.

روز 4

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Who Do You Think You Are?

Your identity (who you are) is established upon the qualities, personality, beliefs, and traits that form the foundation of who you are and what you do. Our identity and security in Christ are essential as Christians. That you ‘know’ who you are, and that knowledge impacts your entire life. This devotional is a walk through the book of Ephesians.
