God Is _______نمونه

God Is _______

روز 4 از 6

God Is Here

“… be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”Matthew 28:20 NLT

God has always wanted to be in relationship with humans, and we see that desire manifesting in different ways over time.

In the beginning, God lived and walked among Adam and Eve in the Garden. When they sinned, it broke our relationship with Him but didn’t stop His plan to be close to us.

God the Father sent Jesus to earth to fix our relationship with Him, and in one of Jesus’ last statements on earth, He promised to be with us always. Even better than that, He promised His followers that they would receive the Holy Spirit, who would be God in us.

When we follow Christ, God’s Holy Spirit isn’t just with us—He’s inside of us. In the Old Testament, the people had to go to the temple to experience the presence of God. But now, when we accept Jesus, we are temples where the Spirit of God lives.

All along, God wanted to be close to us, and through Jesus, that has become a reality again. And although we eagerly await a day in which God will renew all things so that we can live with Him in His perfect kingdom, we’re not idly waiting until that happens. God has given us work to do.

From the beginning, He has wanted humans to rule over creation. He has given us gifts and assignments to do His work while on earth, so salvation isn’t just a ticket to heaven—it’s an invitation to get to work bringing more of heaven here on earth.

And as we do, we won’t be working in our own feeble power. We’ll be partnering with God, relying on His Spirit within us to do anything. Apart from God, we can’t do anything, but as temples of the living God with His Spirit living in us, we can do more than we thought possible.

We’re often tempted to think of God as a distant being in the sky, even referring to Him as “the big guy upstairs.” But our God is here.

And when we know God’s presence is with us and in us, we can get to work on the purpose He has for us—sharing His good news with others and bringing more of His goodness here on earth.

Pray: God, thank You that as I invite Jesus into my life, You are not only with me but also in me! I ask that Your Holy Spirit would guide me and lead me through this day. Show me how to bring more of Your kingdom here on earth, and thank You for partnering with humans to do Your will. I trust You, and I ask for greater awareness of Your presence today. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Challenge: As you lean into God’s presence today, pay special attention to anything you feel like the Spirit is prompting you to do, then ask Him for the courage to do it!

روز 3روز 5

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God Is _______

Who is God? We all have different answers, but how do we know what’s true? No matter what your experiences with God, Christians, or church have been like, it’s time to discover God for who He really is—real, present, and ready to meet you right where you are. Take the first step in this 6-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, God Is _______.
