Abide: Every Nation Prayer & Fastingنمونه

Abide: Every Nation Prayer & Fasting

روز 7 از 7

The Word Is Our Foundation


Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shares with his disciples and the crowds what life in the kingdom should be like. He then ends this famous sermon with this warning: will you be a wise builder and build your life on the rock of my words? Or will you be a foolish builder and disregard my words, building your life on the sand?

If you live somewhere that experiences frequent flash floods, then this illustration that Jesus uses of building your life on a firm foundation will be relevant to you. In a matter of minutes, torrential rains can tear through with power, destroying what was once a beautiful home. And just like storms reveal the state of a building’s foundation, the storms of life reveal whether or not we have built our life on the firm foundation of God’s Word.

This week, we’ve learned that the Word of God is like bread necessary for our spiritual nourishment, a seed planted in our heart and bearing fruit, a light illuminating our path and guiding us into all wisdom, a mirror showing us who we really are, a hammer that can crush our sin-hardened hearts, and a sword able to pierce to the core of who we are and bring transformation.

The question is, what will you do moving forward from this fast? Will you be a wise builder who builds your life on a firm foundation? While this week has been a powerful time of coming together and experiencing God and hearing from him, participating in an annual five-day fast is not enough to build your life on a firm foundation. It’s in the lifestyle of daily reading and obeying God’s Word that we build in such a way that the storms of life can’t tear us down.

Abiding in God’s Word is abiding in Jesus, the living Word of God. Is Jesus the foundation on which your life is built?

In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “abide” means “to remain stable or fixed in a state; to continue in a place.” In 2022 and beyond, how will you make a renewed commitment to abide in—reading, understanding, believing, and obeying—God’s Word?


Heavenly Father, I thank you for what you have done in my life this week. Thank you that you show up when I seek your face and that you are faithful to speak to me. You have given the gift of your Word that I may build my life on the solid foundation of who you are. Help me to abide in your Word daily that I may hide it in my heart and experience your life-transforming power. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

God’s Word is our solid foundation.

روز 6

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Abide: Every Nation Prayer & Fasting

Every Nation has always placed a high premium on the power, truthfulness, and benefit of Scripture. God reveals himself to us through his Word, by which he transforms and empowers us. In 2022, we’re calling everyone to a renewed commitment to read, understand, believe, and obey God’s Word. Thus, our 2022 consecration devotional material will focus on metaphors that refer to the Word.
