

روز 5 از 5

The Ultimate Morning

Throughout the past five days, we’ve explored the idea of ‘morning’ and how it helps us think about God and His work.

We’ve looked at how the resurrection morning of Jesus is the point in history when everything is put right. However, the full effects of that are not fully realized quite yet. We still struggle with an imperfect world, and we certainly still struggle with being imperfect people. If that is so, then surely the ultimate way to think about morning is when EVERYTHING, at last, makes that transformation from dark to light.

Perhaps a good way for us to think about it, is that the resurrection morning gives us the certainty that ULTIMATE morning is going to come. It almost says to us, “fear not, the sun IS going to rise... because I have risen.” In fact, the whole New Testament is overwhelmingly pointing us forward to something better that is going to happen! It says to us, “keep going! Dawn IS going to break soon”. Almost every letter in the New Testament roots its encouragement to keep going in the Hope visible on the horizon.

In Revelation 21, God has given us a picture of what the ultimate morning is going to look like. Of course, we don’t have all the details, but we do know all pain and evil will be done away with, and God - the One who gave Himself so readily for us - will dwell with His people. In other words, the ultimate morning will be defined by LIGHT; darkness has not overcome it.

This is what we’re all living for. Whatever happens in our lifetime of mornings, this ultimate morning is what puts everything in place and in perspective.  Many of the songs on Morningtide reference this. 

For example, there’s the final verse of Psalm 23, which talks about dwelling in the Father’s House forevermore. Surely, that’s the ultimate picture of morning coming in place of the night.

For now, we’ll leave you with the final words sung on our album, and we invite you to sing them, meditate on them, and take them to heart as you join us in awaiting the ultimate sunrise on the horizon because He lives.

“And the things of earth, will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”

Learn more about Celtic Worship and listen to their album Morningtide: 

روز 4

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Every day begins with morning. Every day begins with light in place of darkness. This simple recurring movement is a basic part of God’s Creation, and a profound picture and description of God’s Redemption. Over 5 days, Celtic Worship invite you to join them and spend time with the One who has used, is using, and will use ‘morning’ - in our lives and in all things.
