One Thing: 7 Days to Discover a Simpler Faithنمونه

One Thing: 7 Days to Discover a Simpler Faith

روز 7 از 7

ONE THING TO DO ~ Most people don’t remember who won the 400m semi-final at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. They do, however, remember an incredibly moving moment between a father and a son. As 65,000 spectators gathered in the stands, Derek Redmond passed 250 meters at the seventeen-second mark and suddenly felt a pop in his hamstring. He went down and stayed down for nearly 30 seconds as his competitors sprinted toward the finish line. Soon, officials crouched beside him, trying to help escort him off the track. Suddenly, something dawned on the runner. “I looked up, and realized I was in the Olympic semifinals,” Derek said later. “I looked down the track and saw the others and said, ‘I must finish the race.’” Brushing off the officials and the medical team, Derek got up and began to limp down the track. His agony was clear, yet he pressed on. Section by section, people in the stands above stood up and cheered. 

Meanwhile, Derek’s father, Jim Redmond, made his way down from the stands, hurdling over chairs and dodging Olympic security as he ran toward his son. Once he reached Derek, the elder Redmond put his arm around his son’s back, and Derek put an arm around his father’s neck. The two walked to the finish line together. Nearly thirty years later, it is still one of the most amazing and emotional scenes in Olympic history.

No matter the setbacks or pain of the past, the one thing you must focus on and pursue as a Christian is the finish line of your faith. The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 3:13, “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ.” In a world where ease is emphasized and faithfulness is mocked, Paul’s extraordinarily focused mindset inspires us to run our race undeterred. 

Like Derek Redmond, the Apostle Paul was no stranger to pain, injury, and setbacks. In his mission to share the Gospel with as many people as possible, he suffered floggings, beatings, near-death stoning, shipwreck, prison, hunger, thirst, sleeplessness, cold, nakedness, and danger from every side (2 Cor. 11:23-27). Despite all this, he was resolute on the race God set before him. How about you? Similar to Derek Redmond, we have a Heavenly Father who does not leave us to cross the finish line alone—as Paul himself declared in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all this through Him [God] who gives me strength.” Let Derek Redmond’s story—and Paul’s example—remind you “to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ.” Stay focused on the finish line, my friend.

We hope this plan encouraged you! It was adapted from the book, One Thing: Rediscover a Simpler Faith in Our Complicated World by Dudley Rutherford, lead pastor of Shepherd Church and Explore other resources from LiftUpJesus: 

روز 6

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One Thing: 7 Days to Discover a Simpler Faith

Each day, thousands of choices press for your attention. Our world wrestles with numerous, legitimate social concerns. They all shout for us to weigh in and take a side. Do you ever wonder how things became so complicated? Dudley Rutherford highlights seven passages of Scripture where you’ll find the powerfully uncomplicated phrase: “one thing.” These Scriptures will quiet all the noise and call you back to a simpler faith.
