[Revelation] The Comeback: White Horse Returnنمونه

[Revelation] The Comeback: White Horse Return

روز 4 از 4

The Bride of Christ

At the Second Coming of Christ, you will either meet Him as the Bride or on the battlefield. Which do you prefer? The answer is obvious. How certain are you that you will meet the Lord Jesus as His Bride? The apostle Paul, in the letter to the Ephesians, teaches that Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her to sanctify her and to present her to Himself as a glorious Church without a spot or a wrinkle. This spot and wrinkle have to do with the Bride’s dress; she is to be holy and wholly devoted to her Groom. The spot may represent our sin; the wrinkle, our imperfection. 

In Revelation 19, we find the Bride of Christ who has made herself ready and is clothed with fine linen, clean and white, representing the righteousness of the saints. This chapter also talks about those called to take part in the marriage of the Lamb of God. Right after John finishes describing the Bride to be married, he sees heaven open, and right there, a Rider on a white horse, who is called Faithful and True. This is more than a prophetic vision; it is a calling to the Church. It is a call to holiness. We must “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” us. We need to run the race set before us, looking only unto Jesus. Holiness means “set apart.” We need to set ourselves apart to take part in the event of the centuries.  

Can you see yourself taking part in such a wedding, having responded to the call to the Bride to prepare herself for her Lord? Consecrate yourself for such a calling. Devote yourself to the Lord Jesus Christ, so that when He returns, you will be ready and dressed for the occasion.

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روز 3

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[Revelation] The Comeback: White Horse Return

The book of Revelation depicts a conquering Man riding a white horse and killing all His enemies with a sword coming out of his mouth. This rider is called Faithful and True. Jesus told His apostles that He will return a second time to fulfill this prophecy.
