New Testament in a Year: Septemberنمونه
Mark 14:66-15:21
What do you think the Spirit is trying to teach or reveal to you in this reading?
How might this shape your identity as a follower of Jesus and the person God designed you to be? How might that change the world around you?
How does lying or denying the truth affect you?
Change: What are you prompted to change (even slightly) in your current situation? Engage the change.
دربارۀ اين برنامۀ مطالعه
This reading plan is part of a series that will take you through the entire New Testament in a year. Each month's plan covers a specific book or books. September focuses on Mark. The plan is designed to be used with a small group of friends. Read the daily passage first, reflect on one or all of the questions, and try the engagement practice.