

روز 1 از 8


Being a Godly leader and growing as a leader requires us to grow in our submission to Christ. Godly leaders don’t give in to the culture of self or this world, but take directives only from the true living God and follow the life of His one and only son, Jesus Christ. When we are submitted to Christ, we grow in becoming committed to what Christ has done, who He is, and what He requires from us. God wants to grow us in our leadership, and when we do it His way, it will be pleasing to Him. 

Pleasing God should be our only motive. Following Christ pleases God. Christ should be and should remain our root system as we grow in leadership. 

Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, gives us direction in life and the strength to keep it all together. Without the Holy Spirit, God’s way of doing things won’t get done. Giving our lives to Christ and making a commitment to follow and live for Jesus Christ is something to rejoice about, and it’s not about our perfections—thank you, Jesus! A commitment to model our leadership after Him should never be anything we should compromise or be ashamed of. Our leadership first flows from a place of relationship, gratitude, and a true encounter. 

After receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior, we are now ambassadors of Christ. Our leadership represents Christ and should honor Christ. Galatians 2:20 says “My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”  When we represent Christ, we live in Christ and die to ourselves. Our love also grows in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and we learn more and more how to surrender our leadership to Christ. 

When Christ is at the center of our leadership, everything we do is to bring Him glory, not to ourselves. We also become committed to leading others to Christ and helping others live for Christ. We care about a relationship with Christ and not a religion of Christ. To grow in this relationship and our leadership, we must make a commitment to studying the word of God so that our souls can be renewed. We can be used to bring others to know Christ, and we can help others find answers to questions they may have about Christ in God’s word. When we grow in reading God’s word, those that come into our lives, into our circles, on our teams, or into our homes will see Christ, hear Christ, and feel Christ.

Christ wants to be at the center of our leadership and development through our character, compassion, communication, consideration, consistency, community, and the way we love, care, and serve others. We can draw from Him, worship Him, and trust in Him. We will walk in grace and victory because of Him and lead in truth because of Him. Jesus Christ is leading; will you follow?

روز 2

دربارۀ اين برنامۀ مطالعه


Godly leaders don’t give in to the culture of self or this world, but take directives only from the true living God and follow the life of His son, Jesus Christ. Christ wants to be at the center of our leadership and development; character, compassion, communication, consideration, consistency, community, and the way we love, care, and serve others. Join us on this 8 day study of godly leadership.
