How to Encounter God - a Practical Guideنمونه

How to Encounter God - a Practical Guide

روز 2 از 7

If we are to seek God, we must first believe that He exists and that an encounter with Him is possible. The truth is many of us are busy seeking, but we are seeking to know about God instead of seeking God Himself. 

Hebrews 11:6 says (ESV):

And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

I believe that the reward that this scripture refers to is intimacy with God Himself. We must have the faith that we can know God in more than an abstract or purely conceptual way. 

Consider this: In Old Testament times, everyone knew about God. They had His laws and commandments, and more than that, they had witnessed His mighty deeds displayed in their midst for thousands of years. But there was one thing that they had no access to – His Presence. The Presence of God resided in the Holy of Holies between the cherubim and above the mercy seat. Only the High Priest ever entered this room once a year to offer sacrifices for Himself and the people. Today, we are living in the New Covenant era through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. An important characteristic of this new covenant is that we can experience the supernatural Presence of God! The veil separating us from the Holy of Holies was rent! Yet, many of us remain in the outer courts, not daring to believe that access to such intimacy with God is even possible. If we go no further than the men and women of Old Testament times, then we are squandering the precious gift that Jesus gave His life for! 

If we lack faith, let us ask our God, who gives generously, to grant us what we need. All we need is faith the size of a mustard seed.

If we want to encounter God, we must push past our doubts.

Points to pray/journal:

• Do I believe that a supernatural encounter with God is possible?


Jesus, I want to encounter You. Remove every doubt that hinders me and fill me with the faith to experience more of Your Presence.

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How to Encounter God - a Practical Guide

Do you yearn for more of God? Do you desire more of His Presence in your life? Do you see others experiencing God in powerful ways and wonder why not me? God promises that we will find Him if we seek Him. This plan shows you how to unlock this promise in your life!
