Unashamed Culture: Connecting Our Faith and Creativityنمونه

Unashamed Culture: Connecting Our Faith and Creativity

روز 2 از 5

Day 2: Getting Started 

Yesterday, we established culture as what we make of the world. Along with this helpful framework, we looked at Scripture to see how making meaning of the world is an important aspect of our makeup as those made in the image of God. But we recognize sin has affected our ability to perfectly reflect the image of God in the ways we make sense of the world. Thankfully, we have a solution in the person and work of Christ. Acknowledging God’s word is the foundation for making a culture that glorifies God.

Consider Jesus’ prayer for his disciples in the Gospel of John. By paying attention to this dialogue between Jesus and God the Father, we pick up on an important insight: God in Christ does work in us, so that he may do work through us. Jesus asks that his followers would be transformed by knowing the truth about God and then sent out into the world, or their cultures, for His purpose. 

Making meaning of the world starts by submitting to God’s revelation in scripture and applying it to the things we make and the ways we interpret the things made by others. If we miss this step, we run the risk of being led astray and influenced by cultural or spiritual forces that do not align with God’s intended purposes for human flourishing. To make a culture that Glorifies God we must make the creator our primary influence.

If we don’t recognize our role in making culture, we risk missing out on a very important aspect of Glorifying God by partnering with him to bring redemption to the world through the Gospel. If we learn to submit to God’s word as the primary influence in our lives we are able to access the inspiration, instruction, warning, and encouragement needed to effectively make meaning of the world. Our lives can begin to look a lot like Adam and Eve’s before the fall. We become culture makers. 

Meditate on the following scripture: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (5 minutes) 

Read Jesus High Priestly Prayer. (John 17:15-19) 10 minutes  

Reflect on the following: 

  1. Have you ever considered God’s intent for creation before making or interpreting things? 
  2. If you struggle with the idea of engaging culture to glorify God consider this prayer: “God, your perfect love casts out fear. Please help me to know you are with me. Give me the humility to treasure your word above any other influence in my life. Please also give me the courage to represent you wherever you call me to engage culture.” 
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Unashamed Culture: Connecting Our Faith and Creativity

The mission of Reach Records and the 116 movement has been shaped by a desire to take the Gospel into the cultural centers of music and entertainment. As we enter into a new year, we invite you to walk with us for 5 days as we sharpen our vision for cultural engagement. We pray you would discover spiritual truths you can use to approach the creative world with the Gospel.
