Money Life: Understanding God's View of Moneyنمونه

Money Life: Understanding God's View of Money

روز 5 از 5

The Choice

Making a covenant is like drawing a line in the sand. It marks the point of no return. When you’re tempted to give up, give in or compromise, look back on your covenant and remember who God is, what He’s promised and why you made the covenant with Him in the first place. It’s a powerful reminder of where you’ve come from and where you’re going. Without a covenant, you have only good intentions.

It is one thing to say you trust God with your finances, but that’s different than simply counting on Him to bail you out from the consequences of your mistakes. Trusting God means trusting Him with your decisions, yielding your will to what He’s told us in His Word. And that means being honest in your financial dealings and relationships. God will always bless your honesty, although not always financially. Making tough but honest decisions shows the world your priorities and brings glory to God.

Choosing to be honest even when it could hurt you financially takes more than just integrity—it requires a sacrificial spirit. The apostle Paul wrote, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). 

Paul had come to a place where he was willing to set aside his own wants and desires—even his own life—to do God’s will. This is our calling as well.

Dying to one’s self is radical. It means we sacrifice the person we want to be in the eyes of the world in favor of displaying Christ more brightly. 

When we know Christ, it will be reflected in our values. And what we value will be apparent to all who see us. For some, a dramatic shift takes place when they realize just how much of their life they were building on sand. The good news is we’re never beyond God’s reach. He is capable of bringing about amazing life change.

This plan is an excerpt from the Crown Money Life Study. We invite you to go further by starting the 10-week study by visiting us at  It will be our privilege to serve you.

روز 4

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Money Life: Understanding God's View of Money

The most practical thing we could ever learn is to apply spiritual truth to our every decision. The financial principles contained in God’s Word have stood the test of time. They are reliable, trustworthy and given for our benefit. There is no higher standard for financial principles than those given by God. This is an excerpt from the 10 week Crown Money Life Study, available on
